Recent content by lilliedugg

  1. lilliedugg

    Way too many pics in iPhoto albums ???

    When I make an album in iPhoto and burns it onto a disc, the finished disc holds about three times the pictures I dragged into the album in iPhoto... I think it is thumnails, the originals AND the cropped and quick fixed versions I put in the album i burned. I delievered the disc to a photolab...
  2. lilliedugg

    OS X Freezing and Start Up Problems - PLEASE HELP

    Try downloading a utility called Cocktail from this site ; It´s a very useful utility and could be what you need : :rolleyes: Geir
  3. lilliedugg

    HELP ! Bl---dy Entourage lost my mails..

    Thanks for the help.And it was me who " censored" bloody.I live in Norway and it´s no problem and it´s not that a nasty word for us.I really don´t have any explanation for why I "cencored" it... But I know Schweihund is a BAD expression in germany ! geir aka. lilliedugg = )
  4. lilliedugg

    HELP ! Bl---dy Entourage lost my mails..

    This morning when I launched Entourage it started as it was the first time I had run it. I had to to set up an account and all my precious mail in the inbox for the past 12 months was gone !! I am in agony ! I need that mail. Does anyone know if its stored somewhere on my mac ? In some...
  5. lilliedugg

    "ripping" iphoto off of an install cd ???

    Is there anyway I can install ONLY iphoto from my ibook install cd´s ? so that I don´+t have to install the whole system just because iphoto is totally f....d up ?!? Iphoto launches and then quits buy it self, I have emptied caches and preferences but to no prevail... anyone knows something...
  6. lilliedugg

    iphoto trouble

    in iphoto ver.4.0.3 i have a problem.I launch the app and then it quits when I start scrolling or clicking or whatever... Anyone who knows what this is ...? :(
  7. lilliedugg

    Free MP3 playesr for os 9.2 ?

    but I couldn´t find it on the cd wich was version 9.2 ? Are there any download sites for this ? :)
  8. lilliedugg

    Free MP3 playesr for os 9.2 ?

    I have to install OS 9 on my old iMac Bondiblue. who is choking on OSX with 64 mb.RAM. It works, but it´s so slooooow... Does anyone know where to get a FREE mp3 player for my old iMac ? I am gonna use it upstairs in my house as a mini-stereo. Thanx ! Geir :)
  9. lilliedugg

    iTunes radiostations ?

    I live in Norway, and there´s only a few radiostations that are streaming in mp3 format so I can listen via iTunes.Can anyone recommend me some radiosites in USA I can listen to from iTunes ? NOT the channels that are preprogrammed in iTunes !! Thanx !! :D
  10. lilliedugg

    iTunes radio

    anyone knows how to include a radiostation streaming mp3 in the radiolist in itunes ? thanx :(
  11. lilliedugg

    Apple's New Store Clicks

  12. lilliedugg

    WAV and WAVE in Soundtrack ?

    I´ve just ordered soundtrack and are lookingat loop and sample cd´s. Sometimes it says WAV and other times WAVE . Is this one format or two different ones and can both be used in Soundtrack ? : )
  13. lilliedugg

    iDVD 2.0.1

    I´ve made some movies in iMovie and imported it in to iDVD.The DVD was burned but the result was without sound and with very poor imagequality, very grainy. I´ve done what the instructions toold me to but it didn´t help, Can anyone give a hint ? Do I have to buy a new box of iLife to get...
  14. lilliedugg

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    SEINFELD : It started with a classsic, and after that i remember they changed it witha powerbook duo and dockingstaion with a 17 inch screen, then they upgraded to the 20th century mac... You can see in the corner in Jerrys apartment in every episode... The TRIBE : Loots of macs and TiBooks...
  15. lilliedugg

    Games on a 20" flat screen

    What a nice thread ! This is why I am proud of being a mac user! ( really) . I´ve visited many other forums (windoze ) and there is so much slagging and badmouthing going on there...