Recent content by Majin Silver

  1. Majin Silver


  2. Majin Silver


  3. Majin Silver

    Linux on a powerbook 520

    I got conflicting reports, on wether or not, the power book 520c can run Linux, can anyone clear this up?
  4. Majin Silver

    Hacker Films

    No,I mean shorts made for the internet
  5. Majin Silver

    Hacker Films

    hey,I need to find some short films about hackers, available online. Thanks!
  6. Majin Silver

    It is here. High School.

    I start my Senior year today. lol yeah High School is nothing like in the movies
  7. Majin Silver

    Apple Powerbook 520c

    Anyone know where I can get some games for this? I was going to install Kings Quest 6, but I was missing the last installation disk.
  8. Majin Silver

    FS:PC Laptop-$35

    HP omnibook 5500 CT 133 mhz processor AC adaptor Battery included Good condition 540 MB HD Sold as is, no warranty, Only boots to Bios, you need to do some work, but it could be a fun project.
  9. Majin Silver

    FS: Power Mac G3 for cheap

    Anyone interested in a Beige Power Mac G3? Specs: processor: 367 mhz with 67 mhz bus HD: 1) 4 GB and 1) 15 GB Brand new 54x cd-rom if you need to know anything else, just post it.
  10. Majin Silver

    Looking for HP Omnibook 5500CT HD

    I know its a PC, but does anyone know where I can get a HD for this?
  11. Majin Silver

    Powerbook 520c

    ok cool. I'm just using it for short stories, articles, and essays. I could just do that on this computer, but I Like to use lap tops lol.
  12. Majin Silver

    Powerbook 520c

    slightly used for $26, is that a good deal? I just need something that runs Simpletext, but am I getting ripped off?
  13. Majin Silver

    web site hosting

    oh ok, thanks!
  14. Majin Silver

    web site hosting

    Ok, I see a lot of webhosting places offer hosting for Windows NT or Unix. since OSX has Unix in it, can I sign up for the Unix web hosting?
  15. Majin Silver

    Which OSX flavor to use?

    hm, Jaguar is fine for running your own server. but if your doing some kind of awesome mega-super-duper-extroardinary-web site of some kind, then you should server. Basically, if your running it for like a company then do X server, if its personal use at home use Jaguar