yes and as i mentioned when you mount with
-w=65536 // writebufsize
,-3 // NFS V3
,-U // UDP
,-P // Priv Ports
,-r=65536 // readbufsize
you will get about 4MB/sec
i will try TCP mount again with this sysctl options
and try out different...
i read
the last post about smb/nfs
and this keeps me on track searching for the issue to be solved
this thread already sounds like a weblog
any comments please!
i am really not that into tcp/ip
about my nfs problem with finder
it is really "funny"
i tried to copy 2 files at once
and if there a 2 finder copy sessions
nfs really performs ... it is then 9-10MB/sec at least
now i am totally confused
my guesses are there are some kernel tcp/ip (see sysctl) options messed up...
btw somehow i read somewhere that traffic shaping (limiting bandwidth and so on) works in darwin ... so there are even commandline, configs and so on .... i cannot tell you right now how ... because i got no mac online rite now (I am at work :/) ... but it is already built into the system :)...
i tried it some time ago ... but hw support was too weak
problems with scsii controller. .. . .
now i have some new hw .... mybe it would work
but setting up this computer takes lots of time
since it has 3 nics (lan/wlan/internet)
firewall ddns dhcp mailserver and things like that...
i really tried around a lot
but it does not make any sense ...
i mean i could start investigating into darwin kernel
what goes wrong and so on
but actually i will not do this for a company without being paid :)
so i finally installed gnu debian linux ppc on my powerbook
and you...
i investigated quite a lot of time in finding out what the problem is
and i am trying to tell you what i found out:
I am using OpenBSD 3.5 as nfs-server and OS X latest version 10.3.4.
Havin this problems especially with the finder i started ktracing the finder and cp. What i basically...
hmm yes i know that xdm is a login manager ... but somehow apple added it ... because it is in /private/etc/X11/xdm
actually i will consider this as not too important that it works and try to configure my OpenBSD box to login there remotely via xdm from my powerbook ... to use the powerbook...
i had some thoughts about the problem
one was that i still insist that i has to do with finder ... because if in the shell with cp it is fast it cannot be something with automounter and the other is actually that i have the feeling that maybe it is the symlink ... since if you mount something...
oh kewl ... it did not work for me ... but maybe it will work in the future ... i have a very old version of the CDs (also the extension) maybe there is a difference ... but since my gf & me want to play both in the battlenet .. 1 already ordered a 2nd CD-set some days ago ... i will do a retry...
Diablo II works fine on OS X
the only thing i do not like is that i have to put in the CD
mounting a diskimage does not work :/
the diskimage is for sure ok since i burned the CD from the image i am using for playing
any ideas hints cracks?