Recent content by Petro

  1. P

    dmg error message - "Device Not Configured"

    Problem solved. Ra3ndy suggested downloading the Mac 4.4 updater and re-installing. Since I couldn't do that on my computer and I'm networked to another, I downloaded it on that one, transferred it across the network - and ran it. Worked like a champ - this was after trying everything else...
  2. P

    dmg error message - "Device Not Configured"

    Ra3ndy, thanks for your quick reply, however, I tried this. After deleting the two files (actually, the second file was a folder, not a file), I rebooted and got the same error. Any other ideas??
  3. P

    dmg error message - "Device Not Configured"

    I'm a new member of the forum - found it during a google search. Seems like an awesome place. Will for sure bookmark and be a frequent visitor! I just updated Tiger to 10.4.4. Since then I haven't been able to install any additional software because any .dmg file fails to mount - I get the...