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    What causes Kernel crashes?

    Well, I suppose it could be the RAM. I have 448 in it, so that might be it. I do have a 3rd-party CD-Burner installed, though that isn't dependent on any drivers or anything.
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    Why is my OSX so slow?

    If it's any help, I've been watching my process window. A process called TruBlueEnvironme keeps popping to the top hovering around 30% of my CPU processes but is jumping to 70% at times. Could that be the culprit?
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    Why is my OSX so slow?

    Hi. We have two OSX machines in our basement: PPC Beige 233 G3 448MB Ram OS 10.1.2 Powermac G4 350 448MB Ram OS 10.1.2 The problem is that the G4 (my machine) is noticably slower than the old 233 running OSX. For example, on the 233, the dock is incredibly smooth...
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    What causes Kernel crashes?

    Well, my dreams of a crash-proof mac are fading day by day. In the two weeks I've had it up and running, I've had 3 kernel crashes like this: What is causing this? A sofware app shouldn't cause the kernel to go down, should it? While...
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    Setting finder's default view to columns.

    Ed: Aha! Yes, you are right. Setting it once in the finder will 'remember' it. However, that wasn't quite what I was going for. I'd like to have EVERY window open in columns mode. It seems as if I can set that option for List or Icon view, but not column mode. Quirks and bugs? OSX has...
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    Setting finder's default view to columns.

    Ed: I know how to get it into column view, but you can't set that as the default. Note that there are no options available while in column view (which doesn't make ANY sense, of course). For instance, every time i click apple-n, I'd like the finder to open in column view automatically...
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    Why does Internet Explorer suck in OSX?

    Is it just me, or does IE 5 for OSX perform much worse that IE5 from within Classic? This bugs me. A classic app shouldn't run faster in classic mode than its native OSX cousin, should it? Well, maybe it's time to permanently switch to opera or finally try out omni web!
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    SMB Browser. Where is it? Did you get it to work?

    I downloaded SMB Browser and have two questions 1) Where is the web site for it? (I know this is a dumb question, but no where in the documentation does it list a web site for it). 2) Can anyone get it to work? When I launch it I get the ever-so-annoying zooming boxes, but then nothing. I...
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    Eudora for OSX and syncing with Palm DT for OSX

    Is anyone using Eudora for OSX and syncing the address book with their Palm (or, specifically, visor)? If so, anything I should watch out for?
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    Setting finder's default view to columns.

    Is there any way to set the finder's default view to columns? Maybe I'm just not finding it, but it appears as if Apple just didn't put this option into the finder. Ugh.
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    My screen is tinted different colors when I start up!?!?!?!

    I had this problem with a Cube. It took apple 4 tries to finally admit it was a bad monitor and to replace it. I was really pissed at Apple for a while there...