Setting finder's default view to columns.


Is there any way to set the finder's default view to columns? Maybe I'm just not finding it, but it appears as if Apple just didn't put this option into the finder.

couple of places - finder menu>view/as columns

or it is the right hand option in the view icon when you have any finder window open with the toolbar on top.

use view finder options to permanently fix any choices you would like

I know how to get it into column view, but you can't set that as the default. Note that there are no options available while in column view (which doesn't make ANY sense, of course).

For instance, every time i click apple-n, I'd like the finder to open in column view automatically.

I like OSX, but apple has really dropped the ball on overall ease of use when it comes to the GUI. The MacOS is nice because apple cares about details. It seems as if a lot of the details in OSX were swept under the carpet for now.
odd, once you open with apple-n and set to columns view it doesn't stay that way? i just played with mine and it does.

i know a lot of stuff seems to get lost when rebooting which is something i figure apple is working on since they have fixed some of it already. but resetting once at beginning of day doesn't seem so bad.
... there is a way.

Close all Finder windows. Now open a new Finder window. Change it to column view. Now close it.

Now when you create a new window, it will open in column view. Essentially what it does is it remembers that you like column view for that particular folder because Cmd-N always opens either your Home folder or the Computer "directory".

Apple hasn't really dropped the ball on minor details... there's just some quirks and bugs that still need to be worked out.

Aha! Yes, you are right. Setting it once in the finder will 'remember' it. However, that wasn't quite what I was going for. I'd like to have EVERY window open in columns mode. It seems as if I can set that option for List or Icon view, but not column mode.

Apple hasn't really dropped the ball on minor details... there's just some quirks and bugs that still need to be worked out.

Quirks and bugs? OSX has been out for over a year. They've been talking about this os since when? '96? (remember copeland?)

I love Apple. I think OSX is very good. I just find it appalling that they let so many frustrating user experience quirks remain in the system. And I only say it is appalling because this is APPLE we are talking about. They are supposed to be the ones with the finely crafted gui...the eleganly design user experience.

This is my 3rd attempt at trying to stick with OSX. I'm probably going to stay with it for now, but it ISN'T (and I've heard many others say this) as productive of a total user experience as OS9 was.

I can live without drop shadows, but I need my spring-loaded folders. ;)
Try this:

Go to the Finder, and go to the preferences (under the Finder menu). Now check the box "Keep a window's view the same when opening other folders in the window". This should keep it the same.

I find that as long as I have this item checked, and I have the Finder remember that new windows should have column view, then it all works out fine. Of course, I like icon view better, and that's normally the default anyway, so *shrug*.
I was looking to do the same thing and I think I figured it out.

Open the Finder preferences and select "open new windows in column view".

I noticed this post was made a couple years ago, so maybe the OS has been updated since then. :)