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  1. H

    no Apple light

    If this is a new iMac (Intel or G5) you normally only see the light on power-up for 2-3 seconds and then only when you put it to sleep.
  2. H

    iBook boots to blue screen

    If Safeboot gets you up and running fine then you need to remove whatever is in your Startup that is bi-passed in Safeboot. Try this article...... Your Mac won't start up in Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.3.9 or earlier)---Empty Blue Screen
  3. H

    Acting strangely

    I would boot from an OS CD and run Disk Utility from there to check the hard-drive itself for errors (which you can't do if you boot from the hard-drive) and rerun the permissions check also.
  4. H

    Entourage mail messages

    Just copy the Microsoft User Data folder from the old users Documents folder and put it in the new machine users Documents folder.
  5. H

    Macbook iSight vs. original iSight ?? (specs ?)

    The main difference I believe is the MacBook's and iMac's iSight is fixed focus while the stand-alone iSight has a focal range you can change.
  6. H

    Powerbook screen keeps brightening itself

    Try running your Apple Hardware Test CD that should have come with your Powerbook. With the symptoms you describe it should tell you the keyboard is at fault. You might then contact the nearest Apple Service Center and ask them how much it would be to ship you a new keyboard.
  7. H

    Entourage Error Message -17099

    Make the address Alba sas <email address> instead of <Alba sas <email address>>. Entourage is expecting the email address between the first set of <> brackets.
  8. H

    Entourage Identity issue

    When it opens the Database utility what option are you selecting ?
  9. H

    Entourage X Problem-Uncontrolled deleting

    Look at the email window and notice which column in the list of emails is highlighted to sort by......I'd almost bet its the blue star column. Click on the Subject or Sent column header and see if the emails show backup.
  10. H

    Still crashing and crashing and crashing

    What kind of crash are we talking about ? The application your using just quitting, or black screen with greyish text about kernel crash ?
  11. H

    start up issue

    You might try starting up in Verbose mode which may give you more information on why it's failing to boot. Try starting the machine and holding the Command (Apple)+V keys after you hear the traditional "Bong". You can let go when you start seeing the white text on black screen.
  12. H

    Powerbook Harddisk recovery

    You might try MacDisk for Windows
  13. H

    Basic Mac Hardware Problem - Need Help

    1)The inverter board converts DC voltage back to AC voltage to power the cold fluorescent light (CFL or CCFL) tubes which provide bright white light at the back of the LCD. 2)The inverter board is one of the 3 components in most Apple laptops responsible for the video display. The other two...
  14. H


    You might try changing the angle your screen is open and see if that has any affect on the image on the screen. I would try like 45 deg, 90 deg, and 120 deg angles. If it does, it may be the video cable being pinched or pulled as it runs to the screen.
  15. H

    Classic will not start in OSX Tiger

    Tiger requires a MacOS 9.2 or later System Folder for Classic. Mac OS X 10.4: Classic does not progress beyond the welcome screen