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  1. Z

    emacs with X11

    Fink is a porting framework. See You install Fink, then within it, you install the packages that have been ported. Much much easier. Its like cpan for perl almost, although the apps it installs run on their own (vs. Perl modules). Mike
  2. Z

    emacs with X11

    You can also compile emacs 20.7.1 via fink to run under X11 (produces ~8M binary vs. the ~4M binary that comes with OS X). I stuck with 19.34 for a long time b/c I thought the MULE stuff had issues, but haven't used it enough to see. (I was always happier with emacs vs. Xemacs) Mike
  3. Z

    floppy drive and mount command

    Just as a datapoint, on Solaris you insert a floppy and type volcheck then you can cd /floppy/ and go from there. May not matter without enuf OS support. Mike
  4. Z

    remote X session

    I was about to start a thread on this ;-) Ok, I am trying to display windows from my Mac onto my system at work. I found that X forwarding was turned off (by default?) in /etc/sshd_config X11Forwarding no I have changed this to yes, rebooted, ssh'd in to my machine, set DSIPLAY to my...
  5. Z

    Anyone have gimp-print working on USB printer?

    I have installed gimp (via Fink), and figured I stood a better chance of printing on my Canon BJC3000 (unsupported by Canon so far) via gimp-print than waiting on Canon. The BJC-3000 is officially "untested" via gimp-print, but I figured this open-source(?) effort was probably a better...
  6. Z

    10.0.4 kills sendmail!

    Actually I think every .0.1 rev so far has done the same thing. Very annoying. Also the updates keep re-enabling root login over ssh. And my php install broke, but that may have been my doing (reinstalling as I write). Mike
  7. Z

    vBulletin on OSX?

    Such as? Thanks, Mike
  8. Z

    anyone compiled ImageMagick (or at least convert?)

    ranlib was the trick! I did not compile the who app, just wanted convert. Now to tie it in to my cgi scripts. Many thanks, Mike
  9. Z

    anyone compiled ImageMagick (or at least convert?)

    I'm generally fairly comfortable in unix, but I am a HW guy, not a SW guy, so my skills in the area of making/building are not so strong (and this is where unix seems to get even more cryptic than the most cryptic perl :-) ). The line you posted does not work for me. Its trying to execute...
  10. Z

    anyone compiled ImageMagick (or at least convert?)

    Bah.... Ok, I thought it all worked fine, but to use convert on jpgs, it wants libjpeg... ok, that's reasonable, I find jpegsrc.v6b-src.tar on stepwise, download it, compile, make, install-lib, install-headers, re-run configure --with-jpeg and it finds everything but checking for...
  11. Z

    anyone compiled ImageMagick (or at least convert?)

    That's what I get for grabbing the linux version, not just the plain unix version. Many thanks, it compiled without a hitch. Mike
  12. Z

    anyone compiled ImageMagick (or at least convert?)

    Ah, thank you kind sir, I was unaware that that compile option might exist. Here is a different problem (related) maybe you can help me with... when I grab the sources, I picked the linux ones, (maybe dumb, but I think with the Mac files, I didn't find source code). I ended up with ^M's...
  13. Z

    anyone compiled ImageMagick (or at least convert?)

    I'm trying to compile the "convert" util part of ImageMagick so I can generate some thumbnails on the fly in a cgi-script. Thanks for any pointers, Mike
  14. Z

    Anyone compile TRN for OS X

    Yep. In /usr/lib I had to make 2 links... libc.a@ -> libc.dylib libtermcap.a@ -> libcurses.dylib After that it compiled fine (trn 4.0b74 I think). sudo make sudo make install Hope this helps, Mike
  15. Z


    Just a guess, but I'd bet my first 25 cents that the Build install failed b/c you needed to execute it as root to overwrite the previous sendmail. ie... sudo sh Build install Mike
  16. Z

    cli FTP with put recursive option

    (read the bottom first, this may not be needed) Ok, step by step.. gunzip ncftp-3.0.3-src.tar.gz tar -xpf ncftp-3.0.3-src.tar cd ncftp-3.0.3-src ./configure make It says it ended with errors, so on a whim I also did bsdmake (not sure if that is standard install tho) it also...
  17. Z

    cli FTP with put recursive option

    ncftp on my install claims to be version NcFTP 2.4.3 (March 19, 1998), by Mike Gleason. At work we have Program version: NcFTP 3.0.1/448 March 27 2000, 04:39 PM Try going to to get a newer version and compile. Mike
  18. Z


    god bless you for item #4. That finally fixed my problems. Mike
  19. Z

    Fetchmail Error

    I believe (?) you could pipe the mail directly to procmail (as the MTA). Procmail is included in the system, you just need to construct a .procmailrc file in your user directory. I haven't done it this way, so YMMV. Mike
  20. Z

    Open Office

    I've used StarOffice on the Sun for the past year and am hopeful to see what can come of this. It's not perfect, but certain on the Sun, its better than having to boot up a PC to read a darned Word doc. The spreadsheet I actually like better than Excel (has more date functions), but the...