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  1. T

    Where is the Finder?

    It should be "open /system/library/coreservices/finder"
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    Some changes for 10.4

    Maybe they could ship it with some basic *nix proggys like gimp, at the very least. I know that if they fully supported recompiling *nix apps to run native, then I would probably spend more time on os X, and a lot less on linux. (apple, are you listening? ;) )
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    What classes are YOU taking for next year

    It's year for me- I have to turn in all the junk for my 9th grade year on thursday. I didn't count on most of you people being smart, and in college. ;)
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    What classes are YOU taking for next year

    What classes are you taking next year (for those of you that aren't through skul- erm, school)? I'm signing up for: Geomety9 Social Studies9 English9 Advanced Biology Physical Ed Band German 1 Art9 Electronic Media Foods 1 Intro to Wood Tech Intro to Business Keyboarding 2
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    Have we been visited by aliens?

    I figure that there are many different alien races, some microscopic, some large, some bipeds, some quadropeds, etc. I figure this because space is (presumable) infanet. There fore there is also infanet planets, and infinet chances for such life forms to exist. I don't think that One is going to...
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    Neil Armstrong not first on the moon?

    <O.T.> The Europa mission sounds pretty intersting. It will be neat at what all we find there. It would also be pretty interesting as to what all is in jupitor- there is alot of solid mater that it abosrbs in just the course of the from metorites and such. All of it has to go somewhere, why not...
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    Neil Armstrong not first on the moon?

    The Apollo mission most likly DID occur. Neil and his compain were the first people to tuch the lunar surface and *come back. All the proof I need to come to that asumption is the boosters they used to get them there. They were one-time-use only, big, exitingly chunky looking ( :) ), and could...
  8. T word association!

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    Beginning to look into Colleges

    On the book end, you might look at some local university stores to pick up some used books. They might have writing in them, and they may not look to good, but they are CHEAPER. ;)
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    Argh! **** Manrake!

    Ok, I've installed manrake on my comp (or attempted to) on my comp about 5 times over the past year. My first install when smoothly,every thing worked, ect. Then I decided to try YDL. I hated that, the package manager seemed a mess to me. So I abondoned that for mandrake with in a week. I...
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    More Matrix???

    They are making a mmpg from the matrix. mabe it is for a cutsene from that?
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    *Grabs note book :P
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    Beginning to look into Colleges

    I'm still in juinor high (weeeeeeee! moving up the ladder! :D ) but some things to look at when applying for a college. What does the college specilize in? I'm a kansas boy myself, so I'll use KU and KSU for an example. If you want to be a vet, KSU has a very stronge animal care part of the...
  14. T word association!

    Translation (Good point... silica gel --> yummy?!?)
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    What about the "remeber, yungsters read this board too" option? ::angel::
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    The Difference

    That's it! Trip discovered the ultimite question for life, the universe, and everything! 'Is a difference between a Creative designer and Graphic designer, other than a title?' '42' (or am I just getting wound up?)
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    The Difference

    Lol, another hg2g junkie! way to go dude! ;) Ok, for my guess. A creative designer is someone who is just creative, and trys to design, but doesn't have much skills, and there for, is penneyless (like me) Where as a graphic designer is a "creative designer" will more skills, and a *gasp*...
  18. T word association!

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    Winners Announced for iBox Contest

    What about this? :) b.t.w. Congrates to all 50 people who got lucky. (it took me two times reading through the list to figure out I was among them. DOH!)
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    Righthanded mouse - legal?

    I'm right handed, but I've only ever used a mouse in my left hand. Go figure. :)