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  1. G

    some one help please!!!

    Get Disk Warrior 3.0 and run it on your disks. Do NOT Use Norton's (very dangerous, it has screwed up a few of my drives, and generally is useless). You will need the bootable version. Start from the CD by holding down the "C" key during start-up until you see the system boot-up. I...
  2. G

    Can't log on with Admin on OSX!?!? HELP!!!!

    I also had the same problem. fsck -y reported the disk was fine. Kept preventing me logging in except as non admin until finally it self rectified. But since then it has screwed up badly in other ways. You are right about forced restarts increasing the damage but what else can you do when you...
  3. G

    System Crashes When Attempting to Run Apps. Someone Help

    I have a similar problem but I am told I can't reinstall because the version is later than my CD. How do you cleanly uninstall the OSX that is on the HD? In fact how do you resolve system problems without doing reinstalls. My OSX progressively became a wreck. In OS9 Conflict Catcher...
  4. G

    XP or X???

    I'll let you know when OSx gets out of beta. Be a bit unfair to compare right now :-P
  5. G

    What is sh-2.05a?

    I mean I can then do some terminal stuff. But how do I get out of it and get to the Finder? Am I going to be forced back to an earlier version? OSX has been a lot of trouble, I don't know when I will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. G

    Font Management for 9/X

    Suitcase 10 constantly loses fonts stored on a second hard drive and has other glitches. Font Reserve was slow and had an obtuse interface when i tried it in OS9 so I am not in a hurry to give it another try in OSX. Anyone with a contrary experience? Amazing what people like though, Font...
  7. G

    Korean Fonts in InDesign?

    Have you tried using PC fonts in the InDesign Fonts folder? The safest files to import are Word for Windows files using Unicode. RTF is "supposed" to work and you can forget Word X (mac) which is a Unicode total screw up. I must confess I haven't tried the Korean yet but Japanese works...
  8. G

    What is sh-2.05a?

    I did a reinstall and now I don't get past the splash screen and sh-2.05a in a prompt in the top left corner. I ran fsck-y on my drive and it seems OK. I desperately need to get back into my system, any help would be appreciated.
  9. G

    10.1.5 Desktop not updating

    I've been reporting this aberrant behaviour since OSX 10.1, and have been rewarded by a lot of people telling me (in various ways) that it is somehow all my fault. This along with a lot of other bad GUI feedback in OSX is a real drag on my work productivity and accuracy. Seems the Mac is...
  10. G

    Monitor resolution error

    You will all be pleased to know that we had a power outage and it happened again. Only this time it was much harder (took 4 switches) to get it to break out of the black screen. Don't know how much fun it is undoing and retightening those @#%$# monitor plug converters at the back of the G4...
  11. G

    Apple Tech Support STINKS!

    Yes but you are in Tennessee. Apple cast off its most loyal followers when it retreated to home base USA and has treated us (international users) like second class citizens ever since. Progressively making life harder and more expensive every year. I am tired of being shown what American...
  12. G

    Monitor resolution error

    Too late I've fixed it already. What's the a-v supposed to do? Where the heck does Apple post these obstruse commands (and why does it keep switching the buggers to cause us further angst) ?
  13. G

    Apple Tech Support STINKS!

    Good for you! Are you in the States? Because the story isn't the same out here. Support for Apple was stronger here than in the States before the big Apple meltdown. Since then we have been virtually abandoned whilst Apple gazes at its Nth American navel. Heck Apple can't even get the date...
  14. G

    Apple Tech Support STINKS!

    We are doubly blessed here in Australia, if you think you have it bad there, come down under. My G4 was bad out of the box it crashed 5 mins after I got it and kept crashing till I couldn't boot up off the HD. With no floppy drive, no networking on the OS CD and no booting up off the external...
  15. G

    Oh my god. I love iTunes 3.

    There has been an unfortunate tendency in new Apple products to shackle users with invisible procedures in a very unMac like way. I am talking about lack of feedback as to what is happening and where. In iPhoto the annoyance is that it duplicates files but doesn't tell you. In iTunes it is the...
  16. G

    Monitor resolution error

    I mistakenly set my resolution too high on my main Apple 20" Multisync monitor using the display settings in OSX 10.1.5. The screen went black and stayed black no matter what I did. The 2nd monitor was OK. I tried everything, zapping PRAM, trying to start off in command line but it stayed...
  17. G

    OS X vs 9.2

    Stable is one thing usable is another. Half the time I can't find files (for reasons I am perfectly willing to elaborate - in detail - all due to bugs and poor design in OSX). I STILL can not scan in OSX. OSX will be my Workstation I estimate when it hits 10.5. Meanwhile I am happy...