XP or X???

Is it Mac OS X or Windows XP

  • Windows XP

  • Mac OS X

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I think it's perfectly fine that people enjoy using MS Messenger, IE, and Outlook Express. The usage of these products is not a point of annoyance for me, what is annoying is the fact that MS takes MY choice which IM product, which browser, and which email client I should use away from me. Despite the fact that it's MY compute, MS decides that what features I should have installed on my system. This is absolutely unacceptable. Before Mozilla, I also prefered MS on the PC. I even liked Outlook (it beats all the other free email clients on the PC). I never used MS Messenger b/c no one I know uses it.

MS can provide any freeware they want, in fact I think it's a good thing, but just don't cram them down my throat! People have shown with MS Windows 98 that by removing IE complete (using IEradicator) the installed Netscape Navigator 4.x became completely stable and crashed about 500% less. So how is MS improving MY computing experience?

MS claims that they won their marketshare in IE through better execution (programming). If this is true, strip IE away from Windows and give us a choice! If it is indeed better, we'll install it.

About Passport - it's a great idea in concept, but in execution I am a bit weary. I just don't trust MS, or any corporation in fact, with my personal info. It's convienent, but I don't feel that great knowing some big corporation has ALL of my personal information. MS is meeting a lot of resistance in regards to .NET My Services (i.e. Passport), in fact, Hailstorm (its code name) has been shelved for now.

I say good riddance.

Originally posted by Tigger
Another thing: I think it is really ridicolous that Mac Users have to pay for a program to compress files.

And, it is ridiculous that you don't know that there are many open source compression programs out there. Give OS X a chance.
Originally posted by xoot

And, it is ridiculous that you don't know that there are many open source compression programs out there. Give OS X a chance.
Believe me, I searched for them on Versiontracker, and nothing came up.
I just wanted some program that let me drop files on it and compresses them. Couldn't find any. I am not interested in some open source command line tools, I used the command line zip for quite a time till I wrote a droplet for it (Really easy with Applescript, though the syntax of AS really sucks in my opinion). Now it is fine. I just think that Apple could include something like that out of the box.

Okay, quick search on Versiontracker gave out this now:


Shame on me. But it did not appear last time :(
So let's forget about that.

I gave OS X a chance since the Beta, and using it full time since 10.1
I know of at least two 3rd-party utilities that add an "open with..." item to OS X contextual menus. I'm using Zingg myself.
Originally posted by gastroboy
I'll let you know when OSx gets out of beta.

Be a bit unfair to compare right now :p

Yep... Because XP is still in its pre-Alpha stage... And it seems that it won't be out long (horn) before 2005... :p :D


Despite the fact that OS X works quite well as it, it's still a completely new OS, with many possibilities for the future. XP is built on the same codebase that M$'s systems have been built for the last 8 years, and they can only go so far with that. X is basically a commercial beta, probably until Panther comes out in June-September.
Hej, NeYo!
open with? can it be simpler?! ctrl-click (or second mousebutton) on a document and choose from the "open with" menu. Tadaa!
i don't think that this is the best poll to put on a mac board... we have some preconcieved notions and jaded opinions to deal with...

NeYo posted that message last year _before_ 10.2. I believe the "Open With" menu item appeared in 10.2. That's a weird thing about these thread-based message boards. If someone runs across an old, old thread and replies to it. . .


It jumps to the top of the list, and people read it and get REALLY confused (like I did when I read it, before I looked at the dates).

The funny thing is, Windows Longhorn is MS attemp to catch up with many of the new display tech that OS X introduced in 10.00. Funny thing is, Longhorn isn't scheduled to ship in 2005. We're already on the 3rd major revision of OS X, and by 2005, we'll be on our fifth...

Is it just me, or is Longhorn quickly becoming Microsoft's version of the Copland fiasco? The date keeps getting pushed back further and further, and there's still no clear plan for 64-bit migration for Intel...
Then Longhorn will fail to sell and Microsoft will look like a damned fool. That would be funny.
I can't even understand how the hell some people find those threads. Having fun with the Search function ? Paid to browse the Web in the most useless manner ?

Somemod, please, deliver us - close this damn thing. It's dead ! Yes it is (as in the Monty Parrot sketch ! :D).
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