XP or X???

Is it Mac OS X or Windows XP

  • Windows XP

  • Mac OS X

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Originally posted by simX

Sorry about this morning. :p I shouldn't have been so harsh.

I know you have not become a troll. But as a Mac user, I'm just SO surprised at how many Windows people try to make their computers look like OS X, but don't actually GET a Mac & OS X. I mean, if you get a Mercedes, do you paint it and modify it so it looks like a BMW? Of course not.

From what you've said on the boards, Neyo, it seems that you actually WILL get a Mac & OS X, and I really hope that you finally do. I just kind of get pissed off at those others that never will.

HA! it's Cool dude! ...! ;)

Well, i am Regretting Selling my iBook ... but it was the very Basic G3 500, CD-ROM, 10GB ... So in the long run, it'll b worth it! ... if i could have swapped some of the "guts" i'd have kept it! ... i'm glad i had it nonetheless, i've experience OS X, and Mac's in general, and as ever, i'm looking forward 2 the summer, starting work... and getting an iMac (2 Acompany my ADSL! Yay! :D)

thanks 4 apologising! Appreciated! :D

Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~

Yes i know u "can" But its not as Easy as ...


...YET! ;)


This is possible. Just get Stuffit Deluxe. Using the Magic Menu, you can do this exact thing just as easily.

As for other "Open As..." things, wait a few months for 10.2, and you'll be able to right click, and choose which application you want to open the application with (at least we hope).

XP may seem to have more than X, but think about it: do you get iMovie, iDVD, iTunes, the beauty of OS X, and the ability to serve a website from your home computer out of the box? Do you get UNIX?

Most of the things that XP has and OS X doesn't will appear within the next year or less, and you can probably find some 3rd party app that can do it now.

BTW: I'm not trying to start a flame war. If I'm wrong on anything, please let me know.
UNIX is what seals it for me. I mean, OS X is a nice enough operating system by itself, but there is soo much stuff that just comes with having UNIX as part of your OS! Can you ssh using a Windows box? I don't have a printer on my computer, but it doesn't matter because I just ssh to the math lab here and print it from my dorm room - and then pick it up on the way to class. Windows XP may be nice, but it's still built on Windows, which is a dumb OS. Mac OS X was built on UNIX, which I think most people will agree is a smart OS.

I've compiled and installed the X Window System and several X programs, including the GIMP, and I was stunned by how easy it was - I had never touched any *nix before Mac OS X and here I was finding all kinds of things I could do, just fricking included with the OS, almost like an afterthought, except a flawless and refined afterthought.

And NeYo - if I want to open a file with a different app than the one it's already assigned to (not frequently), I just drag it to the app icon in the Dock. I don't think that's any slower than using a contextual menu.

Like everyone else, I'm not trying to start a flame war. I am just continually amazed by the sheer number of things I can do under Mac OS X and wanted to do my part to defend it.

-the valrus
I jsut have point out the comparsions of "features" between OS X and XP really isn't fair. The truth is that OS X is a revolutionary departure from OS 9 and older Mac OSes, thus despite how the marketing department wants to portray it, it is essentially a version 1 software.

Think of it this way, how much has Windows NT changed since when it's first introduced to today with XP? Quite a bit! There were many "features" missing when NT was first released!

Also, I personally don't care for much of the "features" XP bundles with. I hate the fact that I have a web browser integrated (I prefer Mozilla on all my machines), MS Messenger is integrated (I don't use MSM at all), and all the other Microsoft tie-ins. In most ways, OS X is more configurable. I don't use IE, I like Mozilla, bye-bye IE. Furthermore, OS X has a solid UNIX foundation - you just can't beat that.

I also think this is a stupid poll.

Yeah, there may be some features we are still longing for in OS X, but XP is missing many many more.


You site the "Open With" command which is due in the 10.2 release. That will be a nice addition, but there's already an easier way to open files in OS X that you can't do in XP.

Let's say you have Photoshop running in the Dock. You are in the Finder, and you have a folder open with 10 graphic files. You want to open 6 of these files. If this was Windows, you would have to select the six files, right click, and hope that "Open With Photoshop" would be on the contextual menu. Depending upon their file type, it may or may not be.

Here's the easier way to do this in OS X.

Grab the six files, drag them to the Photoshop icon in the dock. All six files open in Photoshop.

The point I'm making is while there are missing features in OS X that many of us want added, that doesn't make XP any better. In my usage, XP get's about 50% of the human interface right. OS X get's around 75%. I use both and find OS X to be much more complete, secure, and stable.
I have one HUGE gripe about OS X and XP. Have no noticed how much more space they take up on the screen than OS 9 and 98/2000/ME?

For the same menus in OS X that reach all the way across the screen, it only goes just over halfway in 9. Same with windows and just about everything else. Same goes for XP. Not everybody has a monitor that runs at 1600x1200 :(
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
You want to open 6 of these files. [...] Grab the six files, drag them to the Photoshop icon in the dock. All six files open in Photoshop.

Btw.: If a Dock icon doesn't 'want' to accept a file you're dragging and you *know* the app can open it, just hold down Cmd-Opt (Apple-Alt) while dragging. Like that you can force the app to open the file. Nice thing, but it isn't documented anywhere, I guess...
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
Grab the six files, drag them to the Photoshop icon in the dock. All six files open in Photoshop.

I just want to point out that this is possible under Windows. You have two options. 1) You can drag the said files onto an alias of the program you want to open them with on the desktop. 2) If you have the program running already, you can either drag the said files to the taskbar representation of the running program, or just drag directly into the application. Both methods have been available since Windows 95.

I still think Mac OS X rocks, but it's still in its infancy! It's ridiculous to compare such minute details between the two OSes... Give OS X sometime to gain all the UI features it need.

Originally posted by prime

This is possible. Just get Stuffit Deluxe. Using the Magic Menu, you can do this exact thing just as easily.

As for other "Open As..." things, wait a few months for 10.2, and you'll be able to right click, and choose which application you want to open the application with (at least we hope).
But that is exactly what NeYo said. In XP, this feature is there. In OS X, we need an update to get it.

Another thing: I think it is really ridicolous that Mac Users have to pay for a program to compress files.

I voted for OS X because I like it more, but there are still some things missing.
And if I wouldn't have a Mac, I could imagine I really would like XP, from what I saw, it is so much better than previous Windows versions.
You know, Mac users tend to get a little snobby when it gets to Windows. They complain the hell about missing features of OS X, but as soon as a Windows user is entering the room, it is nothing but great.
Come on, think about this. I realize this behaviour sometimes on me at least. :D
Originally posted by Tigger
I think it is really ridicolous that Mac Users have to pay for a program to compress files.

Well, you don't have to pay for it... just use the unregistered version of DropStuff.
Originally posted by prime

Well, you don't have to pay for it... just use the unregistered version of DropStuff.
I downloaded the Lite package of StuffIt expander with DropStuff and DropZip in it.
Then someday both just stopped working and they said I need a licence to use them further.
No I use command line zip with a Applescript droplet wrapper I wrote. Works fine, and I have no problems with licences... :p
Originally posted by phatsharpie

I just want to point out that this is possible under Windows. You have two options. 1) You can drag the said files onto an alias of the program you want to open them with on the desktop. 2) If you have the program running already, you can either drag the said files to the taskbar representation of the running program, or just drag directly into the application. Both methods have been available since Windows 95.

I still think Mac OS X rocks, but it's still in its infancy! It's ridiculous to compare such minute details between the two OSes... Give OS X sometime to gain all the UI features it need.


thanks for that Dude! ... ..hmm.... i'm gonna try it! .. although, after all this modding, i effectively have no taskbar! ...hmmm...

Originally posted by Tigger

But that is exactly what NeYo said. In XP, this feature is there. In OS X, we need an update to get it.

Another thing: I think it is really ridicolous that Mac Users have to pay for a program to compress files.

I voted for OS X because I like it more, but there are still some things missing.
And if I wouldn't have a Mac, I could imagine I really would like XP, from what I saw, it is so much better than previous Windows versions.
You know, Mac users tend to get a little snobby when it gets to Windows. They complain the hell about missing features of OS X, but as soon as a Windows user is entering the room, it is nothing but great.
Come on, think about this. I realize this behaviour sometimes on me at least. :D

i like u're open mindedness, i share u views, but from the other perspective! ... i am VERY Familar with XP, much like i am sure u are, with OS X! ... but look forward 2 the "jump" accross 2 Apple (after i sold my iBook! :() ... and i KNOW i will be missing a LOT of functionality from XP! .. Not Solely b'cus i have ALWAYS Been a Windows User, but as a lot of u sed, OS X is in its infancy, and isn't really Comparable 2 an OS, built upon MANY yr's more work! ... i seriously think, both OS's can learn a lot from one another!

LOL! .. and as for the comment, regarding "snobbyness" ... hmm ... being a Form of an "outcast" on this board... i can See that! For Sure! ... i'm not sure if it's shared, accross all Mac Users (without them knowing!) ... or is something more confined to this board! I say this, from my experiences on other (windows based!) Boards, where 95% of the users! ...are ..hmm... whats the word?! ... not So Snobby (sorry, my Voabulary Stinks!)

...Maybe wen i get my iMac, i will be too?! ... (and learn 2 type in Full English too!? ..hmmm...!)

Just my 2 ...
"Euro's" ;)

Originally posted by prime

This is possible. Just get Stuffit Deluxe. Using the Magic Menu, you can do this exact thing just as easily.

Oh 'n' Sorry Dude! ... i was Soley referring to the Open With Command, i guess my screen Cap was kinda Confusing! :rolleyes:

I think it is really ridiculous that Mac Users have to pay for a program to compress files.

Ack! Lies! Why must you turn this thread into a thread of lies?

You can compress files easily for free on a Mac. If you want a DMG, which is the most popular method of file compression on OS X nowadays, use DMG Tool. Otherwise, you can always tarball it using gzip and tar, or even bzip2 if you're feeling cutting-edge. Those all use the command line but I'm sure there are GUI implementations for them out there as well.

It's true that you can't compress using Stuffit for free, but with all the free options out there, why would you want to?

-the valrus
Of course XP looks like it has a lot more features -- it's called bloatware. You've been brainwashed into thinking that you can't live without a shortcut to absolutely EVERYTHING in your Start menu. You now believe that having your desktop pop up BEFORE it's actually usable is a requirement and cuts down on boot time.

My OS X desktop has nothing on it. Nothing. Hidden dock, no hard drives, simple background picture. I can do anything from this "scratch" position faster, better, and cooler looking than anyone else can on an XP box, even with all those so-called "necessary" contextual menus and what-not.

Pure bloat. Mac OS X is actually usable. XP has a bunch of eye candy and bells and whistles that hardly do a thing.

I'm sure XP is about 50 steps up from 2000 and Me, but it's still not OS X.
I am sure you are faster on OS X than you are on XP.
But I think there are a lot of people out there who know their XP like nothing else, and they are just as fast as you.

It is just about what environment one is used to.

Sorry, but I just hate this "My OS is better than yours".
We Mac users are no missionaries, and we don't have to show PC users the right way. There is no right way. Only different ways.

About XP and eyecandy:
Now, think about that a second time. Isn't the sentence about usability and eyecandy not exactly what so many people say about OS X an 9?
I'm sure there are a few people faster in XP than I am in X, but I doubt there are many people faster than me in 2000... hehe...

My point is that I believe that a lot of the stuff XP includes that people are referencing in their arguments concerning "XP has more useful stuff than X," are simply pieces of bloatware that they'd never miss had they NOT been included in the XP package. Therefore, it's my opinion that XP has a lot of those useless little applications scattered about that make it LOOK like it has more stuff included than OS X... and i also think that people are using arguments over the inclusion of a disk defragmenter in their arguments concerning productivity in either OS -- and I think that those comments are a bit misconstrued, since it's my belief that a disk defragmenter or similar disk utility DOES NOT increase PRODUCTIVITY.

At any rate, XP has a ton of stuff included with it. I think life would be just the same without 75% of that stuff, and that would be more OS X-like.
I Agree with u guys! ... u are right in a way! ...

lemmie kinda drop down my thoughts! ... Firstly! ...

Contextual Menu's! (thanks for tha guy who actually pointed out what these are! :D) ...

Personally, i think its GREAT, to have a Lot of Features in there. i Mean, a lot of the Features, allow u, to do a task in one click, which would take several, if the same functionality wasn't offered in the Menu, or elsewhere!

For Example! ...
When i right click a "file" ... i can Compress it (Freely! LOL!) in whichever way i choose (due to the 3rd party Apps, although u all know XP supports "zipping"!) ... Adn From that One Click, i can Compress and Mail, using DropStuff, in whichever format i choose! ... Now, i always See apple, as making things easier, and more logical for the end user! ... i realised this, in the 2 months i had my iBook! ... and for me, this is the kind of thing ... which i think is necessary! ... Steps 2 Shorten an "everyday" task! ... thats my opinion anyhow ... please, Fill me in on u're Views!

...As for the Bloatware! ... Hmm ... well, once again, if i could choose 2 Take out certain things ... i would! ... But uing the Windows Platform, a LOT is of use! (not just cus its there, but because it works!!)

For example!

Windows Messenger! ... Out of all the IM Clients i have used, i prefer this! (ooh, and the Windows Version is No way as bad as the Mac version! ... M$ Don't do themselves ANY Favours, by making Messenger So CRAP on Mac! :( )
Outlook Express! ... This Email Client once again Does EVERYTHING i need 2 do with Email ... Does my POP3 email, and my Mac IMAP email accounts! ... for me, i DON'T Need the BLOATWARE of "outlook 2002" ... so i never installed it alongside Office XP!
...Internet Explorer! - This is by far the best Browser For the Windows Platform (for me anyhow!) ... Maybe it's due to the compatibility with Web Sites?! ... or just my familarity! ... But it just WORKS! (don't start on Security Holes! LOL! ... "i know! :p"

...With these 3 Apps, comes something, which in my eyes, is GREAT for a Windows USER ... Intergration! ... the whole .Net thing is Far from up and running, how MS Would like... but its one of the things i DO like with XP! ... throughout the system as a whole, many services are intergrated with the .Net Passport, assigned to my OS! ... This Seems to speed things up ..as long as i wish to use that Account! ...

i apprecitate, for those users who don't like Microsoft Passports 'n' all, its kinda pointless, but for those who do, its a nice thing 2 have! ... this is one "+" for me, over Win 2k!

...BTW, ElDiabloConCaca

...Dude, i've not been Brainwashed dude, i am expressing my Views, on XP... After all i'm the guy saving for the iMac (Superdrive) Right now! ... so its not like i am a WINDOWS Fanatic (no pun intended!) ... i just feel, that XP Doesn't get the credit it deserves really! ... and its nice to u're views "from the other side" ... i Really am "in the middle" with this argument to a degree ... and i never really think i could Hate M$ or Apple! ...Both OS's are great, and Do what they Should Do! :D

Anyhow! ... just my 2 Euro's!

Peace! x

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