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  1. G

    10.4.8 and airport problems

    I have a 4mo.-old MacBook Pro (15", 1.0, 2.16GHz). I recently installed the recommended SMC firmware update and the 10.4.8 system update and began having problems with my wireless connectivity shortly thereafter. I regularly use a number of different wireless networks, one at home, at work...
  2. G

    Parallels/WindowsXP difficulties

    Let me just add that after I cleared this little hurdle that I can't recall any major difficulties and I have been extremely impressed with this product. I've been amazed first of all at how smart and hassle free it's been. Right from the get-go, the virtual machine "sees" everything that it...
  3. G

    Parallels/WindowsXP difficulties

    Well, I finally figured this one out. The solution was really, really complicated. Are you ready? I was unused to the MacBook keyboard and there is this little "fn" key at the bottom left whose "function" is (in part, I suppose at least) to deal with just this sort of crossover scenario. Hold...
  4. G

    Parallels/WindowsXP difficulties

    I have a new intel MacBook Pro. Have installed Parallels successfully but was trying to install Windows XP and ran into problems. I was following all the directions in the Parallels Start Guide but when trying to actually install Windows XP (from a real CD) it seemed as though the virtual...
  5. G

    wireless woes w/ new macbook

    Alright! That worked! I thought that I had re-tried that approach at some point, but I guess not. Thanks a million!
  6. G

    wireless woes w/ new macbook

    Well, I think the answer is "no", at least not deliberately or as far as I can tell. (I'm not all that savvy when it comes to this stuff. I've learned more in the last 24hrs. than I ever wanted to know, really.) So far all the troubleshooting I've tried to do has been pretty much limited to...
  7. G

    wireless woes w/ new macbook

    My basic setup: basestation: Mac G4 (mirror face) desktop connected to the internet using bellsouth fastaccess dsl via a westell model 327w modem/wireless router. remote laptop: MacBook Pro 15" (just purchased last week) w/ built-in airport card. My basic problem: I cannot get my...