Search results

  1. owaters

    Monitor Calibration - Dialog label background can be seen now!?

    Hi, I used the Spyder3 Pro by Datacolor (hardware monitor calibrator) to calibrate my monitor and ever since I can see all the label backgrounds in dialog boxes. (screenshot attached) - I have boosted the contrast in the lower screen so the problem can be seen better. This happens in...
  2. owaters

    Times Font Conflict/Corrupt?! Displaying incorrect.

    Success! Great stuff! However... I cleaned my system fonts folder, which moved a load of fonts to my desktop in the folder 'FontsRemovedFromSystem 13/03/2008'. Nothing was labelled in all caps though... that folder contains folders 'Adobe Creative Suite 3', 'Apple iWork', 'Captials.dfont'...
  3. owaters

    Times Font Conflict/Corrupt?! Displaying incorrect.

    Hi, I'm having some trouble with the Times font on my system. For some reason in 'CSSEdit 2.6' the Times font is appearing in a strange font (as seen in screenshot). I have removed all fonts that could be causing a conflict and cleared all font caches but the problem still persists. Any...
  4. owaters

    Disconnecting as VNC!! Want to browse files!!

    Since using the 'Share Screen' function built in to OSX with a computer on my network, OSX seems to have connected as VNC and I can't find anyway to disconnect as this user. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. owaters

    What! Where? How? - Computer Name

    I have discovered what it was. It appears my BTHomeHub (router) seems to have power over the hostname when my computer is connected to it. Away from the network my computer goes back to what is displayed in the sharing panel.
  6. owaters

    What! Where? How? - Computer Name

    Terminal reports: macbookpro-xp.home Satcomer - as mentioned above, I have set the name to something different in the sharing prefs. It saves the chnage but nothing else reflects this. I have also restarted after this, turned sharing on and off etc.
  7. owaters

    What! Where? How? - Computer Name

    I just opened the terminal and discovered this... Last login: Fri Nov 23 18:01:30 on ttys000 macbookpro-xp:~ Ollie$ Where is the name 'macbookpro-xp' coming from? This is a name I set my computer for windows sharing a year or two ago using sharepoints, since then I have done a clean...
  8. owaters

    Leopard Up-to-Date Discs

    My discs still haven't arrived, however I have read some messages on the Apple Discussions regarding this. It appears the 'Upgrade Discs' require an existing system to be installed on the machine. My question is, once the existing system has been detected, can you do an erase and install process?
  9. owaters

    Leopard Up-to-Date Discs

    Thanks ;o) I will confirm my questions when the discs arrive for other users.
  10. owaters

    Leopard Up-to-Date Discs

    Hey, Does anyone know what discs Apple are shipping for the Leopard Up-to-date program? - Are they retail full install? - Are they update only? - Are they hardware specific or will they work on any mac? Thanks
  11. owaters

    Font that Apple use in their printed manuals?

    Does anyone know the font which Apple use in their printed manuals? Specifically with regard to the Pro App Manuals....DVD Studio Pro etc... Thank you in advance!
  12. owaters

    Dual Monitors on the MacBook Pro

    So, after some extensive research I have discovered there are currently zero solutions to run dual monitors on the MacBook Pro with true functionality (ie. Not a splitter which basically makes two monitors one big one). So anyone have any thoughts on this? Anyone heard of any rumours of some...
  13. owaters

    What HD's are compatible with my PowerMac G5

    Hi, I have a Dual 2.7 G5 PowerMac and it is time to be upgrading the internal HD's. I bought it direct from Apple and it came customised to my wishes. However, I am unsure which internal drives are compatible. I am looking for a 500GB internal HD which is as fast as possible. Any...
  14. owaters

    Intel Core 2 Duo is now introduced

    Ahhh, so I guess I will hold back on buying my MacBook Pro then... You guys pretty sure there will be a release in the not too distant future of MBPro with a ICD2 chip?
  15. owaters

    Best mail app for OSX?

  16. owaters

    Mac Pro discussion thread

    Does anyone have any ideas when they will release the next version of the MacBook Pro with speed upgrade and some fixes? I am thinking about investing in one, I don't need it right away and want to make sure I don't order one to find out a month or so later a newer model is released...
  17. owaters

    New iPod?

    More pictures of the previously mention iPod A/V: Looks pretty cool!