I just opened the terminal and discovered this...
Where is the name 'macbookpro-xp' coming from?
This is a name I set my computer for windows sharing a year or two ago using sharepoints, since then I have done a clean installation of Leopard... how can this be still there?
It also seems to be picking this up in the sharing pref pane too... However, I have my computer name set as 'Ollie's Mac'.
Where is it getting 'macbookpro-xp' from and how can I change it?
Thanks in advance!
Last login: Fri Nov 23 18:01:30 on ttys000
macbookpro-xp:~ Ollie$
Where is the name 'macbookpro-xp' coming from?
This is a name I set my computer for windows sharing a year or two ago using sharepoints, since then I have done a clean installation of Leopard... how can this be still there?
It also seems to be picking this up in the sharing pref pane too... However, I have my computer name set as 'Ollie's Mac'.
Where is it getting 'macbookpro-xp' from and how can I change it?
Thanks in advance!