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  1. smithy

    We should have an area where....

    Er well start up a thread about it in The Cafe section.
  2. smithy

    new PM G5

    I wonder if Front Row is a stand-alone app, or is it controlled by the dock or something.
  3. smithy

    Post your desktop!

    Forbidden mine? Ah must be deviant art being a little bitch, i already had it on ther so i thought i could hotlink it. But well then. Clickerty
  4. smithy

    Post your desktop!

    My desktop. Clicky
  5. smithy

    eMac Display Problem

    Hi, Well it isn't the usual display problem for CRT's with the dis colouration on the sides of the monitor. However this time when i fire up my mac, the screen seems to be really dark as though the Brightness has been adjusted, however when i get into the OS and restart - everything is as per...
  6. smithy

    CSS and why I hate Microsoft

    Is that on the PC and Mac platform?
  7. smithy

    Leopards rumours

    The iTunes interface is perefectly fine except for the tackyness with the bordered lines. I think Apple made this bold move just to see how macintosh users liked this interface - therefore if we don't obviously they won't pursue it any longer in any new operating systems. Personally if Apple...
  8. smithy

    I'm Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a 20" 1.8GHZ iMac in the next room, i really do wish it were mine. I don't want to use it though because i will get jelous and my poor little eMac will have a cry.
  9. smithy

    New Mac Minis?

    And if you throw it at someone you would kill them.
  10. smithy

    New Mac Minis?

    Personally they should update the eMac way before they even consider the Mac Mini. I think the eMac needs a total new overhaul.
  11. smithy

    Steve Jobs Interview...

    Dude, the whole iHome thing has been disscussed on this Forum from like last year or whenever (i can't directly remember). It is 100% fake and its made out of cardboard.
  12. smithy

    iPod iPod iPod...

    Thanks Fryke - I ended up leaving the iPod overnight and i am transfering the songs over now its up to around 780 out of the 1000 or so. Hopefully it still continues to work.
  13. smithy

    iPod iPod iPod...

    [beeeeeeeeeeeep]............. Well after 1 year of listening to my tunes through my little 20gb 3G Friend has finnally gone caput on me. Basically when i upgraded to Tiger i backed up all my stuff on it around 16gb, as any user would do. Then i copied it back over to the harddrive, and i...
  14. smithy

    Album Art for Non-iTunes Songs?

    Fetch art also keeps a copy of all the images in your libary aswell, and so if fetch art does put the album art into the song file itself that can be deleted.
  15. smithy

    Japan and Australia gets iTMS

    About time they open a iTms in Australia.
  16. smithy

    Microsoft Windows Vista to include "Gadgets"

    If they include an Exposé mimic for Vista, the task bar isn't really needed then (besides the system tray thingo with the date and time, oh and the start menu).
  17. smithy

    Microsoft Windows Vista to include "Gadgets"

    I'd say it would be run similar to dashboard via that sidebar (if they recquire a 'runtime engine'). Via that microsoftgadgets site - they sure do look pretty ugly besides the investments one. Then again vista is in beta1.
  18. smithy

    Microsoft Windows Vista to include "Gadgets"

    Yeah well its not like we can now say that Microsft ripped these "gadgets" off Apple. It's a pitty in a way.
  19. smithy

    iTunes 5

    I reckon! Everyone has iPods in Brisbane, everywhere you go your bound to see one. Also there is still no iPhoto photo album purchasing from Australia. I mean Australia is getting pretty much filled up with Apple hardware, when are they going to support us.
  20. smithy

    iTunes 5

    Has anyone in looked in the itunes.rsc file!? There is a icon of the new flash based ipod mini. There is a iPod coloured one, and a black U2-ish looking one though the click wheel is grey. They both have coloured screens too. EDIT: Haha i just realised the released the ipod Nano. Man i need...