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  1. S

    Maddening problem with packages and installations

    Standard distro -- DVD and all, no cracks or hacks (for once) perhaps this should serve as a lesson....
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    Maddening problem with packages and installations

    My G5 has been a little funky since I installed Tiger on it. Things crash more, more programs don't work, etc.. The final straw is crashing any time I try to install anything. I'm a bit put out, as I don't know how to fix the problem if I can't install anything to do so...
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    how to reset Finder from command line?

    yeah, I'm not getting that option. The only right-click or command option that appears is "hide". Nothing pops up when I option click it so I'm not sure what you're seeing or doing.
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    how to reset Finder from command line?

    I was recently running a series of processes with video running from another machine which I had opened via firewire in my G5. The other machine attempted to show the annoying "preview" quicktime panel in the column view when I accidentally clicked on a video segment. This froze my finder. I...
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    Help! Cant get cover off of powermac??

    There's a lever on the upper left hand side of the rear of the machine. It has a little picture of a padlock on it. Lift this lever all the way and remove the (looking from the front) right side panel. -Enjoy! P.S. Only do this when the machine is off, yeah?
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    ever take an iMac apart and look at its guts?

    Hey y'all, I'm standing here looking at the guts of an iMac (candy) G3, loathing it because of its very nature. The iMac is useless to me for many reasons, but useful in that it contains a 70 gig hard drive, worthy for use as a backup disc. Do any of you suppose it's possible to scrap...
  7. S done broked

    Hi Guys, I recently posted this thread to another category, as I didn't think it was so much of a unix issue, but I find that solutions abound in this forum, so I'll drop it here and maybe you can help me out. I've recently experienced a rash of crashes with the native osx application...
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    Application Installer broken

    Hi all, I've recently experienced a rash of crashes with the native osx application installer (you know, to open .pkg files... ) The crashes almost regularly now, and there are files that I have not been able to intsall because the Installer crashes every time I open it...
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    simple sudoers question(s)

    hmmmm. I'm still not sure what the deal is. Does a user have to have admin privileges in order to su from the command line? I'm not sure as I've never had to deal with this before. It certainly makes doing anything from that account much more difficult. I got all the permissions stuff...
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    simple sudoers question(s)

    Hi All, I'm attempting to change some file permissions for backup purposes so that a non-admin account on my computer can write to a certain file. I have several questions if someone has the time. 1) How do I find out group names and user names for the purpose of adding them to the...
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    Unix Newbie can anyone help?

    Don't bother with YDL. (yellow dog). I've been suffering with YDL related problems on two computers for several months. Their support is non-existent (unless you pay) and their "help" files blow. There's no audio support, so don't count on alsa or other... no cd -- no sound. I recently...
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    2 root passwords? yikes!

    Howdy ya'll, first let me say what a pleasure it has been to completely geek-out at this site. (Formerly, I considered myself well-rounded....) I don't know if you remember the days before Tiger, in which, Apple was not keen on allowing John Q Public the opportunity to gain Root...
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    Trouble With Fftw

    Thanks, Steve, I actually did get Fink up and running, but not really because of anything i did. Apparently, it just decided to work when I switched to 10.4 from 10.3.... which really shouldn:t have happened at all, unless of course, there were dev tools that i was missing or were out of...
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    Trouble With Fftw

    Thanks, I did perform the sudo make install prior to this time. I guess at this point I'm simply trying to figure out why A) the install did not place the fftw libraries where they could be seen, and/or B) why the plugins cannot find them. I'll check the config help.
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    Trouble With Fftw

    Hi, thanks, but I've installed fink, and cannot get fink commander/fink to build it (fftw). I get errors and then it quits out without installing (configuring). If you have any suggestions as far as how to better configure Fink Commander, I'm definitely willing to try again, but there is...
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    Trouble With Fftw

    Hi, actually, the message that was moved to the forum to be posted isn't quite up to date. (it was one of those, stale for 3 days and moved things) I was trying to compile the wrong thing.... In that for OSX, they recommend fftw-fma. I'm not sure what the difference is, but I actually did...
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    Trouble With Fftw

    Hi, First, thanks for the service you guys provide. I've been spending hours on the net trying to find something helpful and have just about run out of steam. This is great. My experience level is about middle of the road. I'm just getting into the Unix aspect of building things that...