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  1. Perseus

    Need help in achieving a two colomn layout of text in XHTML/CSS

    wow thank you so much!!!!!
  2. Perseus

    Need help in achieving a two colomn layout of text in XHTML/CSS

    Greetings! I have attached an image of what I am looking for. The second column has text that is longer than in the first. However no matter what method I use, the extra text from the second column moves under the first. I tried using min heights for the left column -- but then stuff below...
  3. Perseus

    Creating dev/prod/live environments

    Hi -- Not sure where to put this, but I need help figuring out how to set up a dev/prod/live type of environment. The site I am working on will need a place for people to register and login (he wants me to use ASP) to see premium content. I am certain we'll be using some databases...and just...
  4. Perseus

    SCSI to USB adapter?

  5. Perseus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    By the way, I just realized this is a good test of your character. A lot can be said from your response. I consider this case closed!
  6. Perseus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Do you feel better about yourself Arden that you responded with such an original response? I was asking if anyone else had such an experience, I was not asking for wisecracks.
  7. Perseus

    Doom II Windows CD

    I think as long as you have the same Doom 2 wad file types it should be fine. If you notice in Doomsday some multiplayer games fail to connect because the IWAD is named differently. I have yet to find someone with my same Doom 2 IWAD! I have always wanted to play Doom 2 multiplayer, so this...
  8. Perseus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I don't know if it is just me, but I hate it when people respond to me with "Um..." It is like they are trying to insult my intelligence or be condescending. Anyone else feel the same way?
  9. Perseus

    Doom II Windows CD

    Hey there. Do you have the old DOOM II IWAD on hand? (the main game WAD) If so, you can download an open source port for Doom 2 called DOOMSDAY. There is a forum there that can answer lots of questions. This port offers enhanced graphics etc. It's awesome...
  10. Perseus

    Blender will not start up

    For some reason, the slightly older version worked for me.
  11. Perseus

    Blender will not start up

    I just downloaded Blender, the open source 3d program, and when I open the app, it doesn't even bounce in the dock. I checked the Blender FAQ, and could not resolve the issue from there. It seems to just crash. There was a section on this issue in the FAQ but it did not help me out. Anyone else...
  12. Perseus

    Is a 500K resume too big?

    Why would simple text in Illustrator create such a large file then? I was using two fonts and no graphics, yet I get 500K. Woooaah!!!
  13. Perseus

    What program was used to make RealMyst?

    I am just curious as to what program (Maya, etc) would have been used to create RealMyst. I have always wanted to create an environment of my own. I have lots of ideas in sketches that I would really like to put into virtual form like RealMyst.
  14. Perseus

    Is a 500K resume too big?

    So I have my resume set up (I designed it in Illustrator) and I have been trying to cut the file size down. I feel like I am being rejected because they don't want to look at a 500k resume!!! My Word version is 50k...I guess I am wondering how I can get that file size down! (I want it to be a pdf).
  15. Perseus

    Listen to accents from all over the world

    Here is a fun site: Check out the Brooklyn accent, where I am from:
  16. Perseus

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    What is a very bad comparison? I am saying the price of Apple's computers may not bring as many PC switchers as some may think even with the idea of Boot Camp. Those people may stick with what they have. I am only venturing a guess here.
  17. Perseus

    BattleFront II? Halo 2?

    All I want to do is play Half-Life 2. Rrawwrrr!!!!
  18. Perseus

    01:02:03 - 04/05/06

    Yeah don't even get me started on Quarts and Pints.....ugh
  19. Perseus

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    Are we forgetting that "PC people" may just still see Apple computers as being way too expensive? I still don't understand why a company like Adobe (or anyone else) would continue to make software for OS X when Windows is available?