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    Steve Jobs: "Take my house -- please!"

    Sure I read somewhere he's now been given permission to tear it down..?
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    The Question-Question Thread

    Is it just me, or has it suddenly gone very quiet in here?
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    GMail Invites

    I have 1 spare. PM for it.
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    Interview the person beneath you

    Illustrator. PowerBook Titanium or PowerBook Aluminium?
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    European Apple STores now closed for more than 2 hours

    Also, Xsan is released. $999 per node.
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    European Apple STores now closed for more than 2 hours

    been more than 4 hours now......
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    Article: Apple sues over leaked Tiger

    In revenue loss terms, 2500+ ADC memberships at $500 each, that's a lot of cash lost.
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    Apple sues over Internet info leak

    I think it's more to do with the latest Tiger build being spread all over the Internet.
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    Software that detects pc viruses?

    The virus defs were up to date. THe messages that were infected were the ones forwarded from Mail on the Mac.
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    Software that detects pc viruses?

    The user had Norton v9 installed, which hasn't detected them.
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    Software that detects pc viruses?

    Is there any that does? A friend has been forwarding emails to an unsuspecting pc user. The pc is now infected and the source appears to be the emails from the mac user.
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    Tiger Changes?

    Private Browsing sounds good.
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    flush print jobs & restart spooler?

    Can anyone tell me how to do this from the terminal? I'm trying to create an Applescript for use with macAdministrator to tidy up the print center after a user logs out.
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    I'm kind of new to applescript, but if someone could tell me why this won't run I'd be grateful. It's supposed to remove all printers and install new ones: ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Definition...
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    NAS Case?

    Anyone know of an empty NAS case that I can put 4 x 250 GB Drives in and have it make them a RAID 5 set? Prefarably with Gigabit ethernet. Thanks,
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    MDD Dual 1 gig Drive Capacity?

    As far as I can tell, the RAID features APple provide don't allow for multiple partitions. Am I correct?
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    MDD Dual 1 gig Drive Capacity?

    Anyone know what the bigegst drive is that one of these will take? I'm thinking of getting 4 250Gb and then RAID them up. Anyone know if it will work? Thanks
  18. B word association!

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    iBook G4 has 7455?

    I've just had someone insist that my iBook has a 7447 in it, while XBench clearly reports it as a 7455. Anyone know which is correct? or does it have a 7447...... I'm getting confused. What difference would it make?
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    Leading antivirus researcher recommends Mac

    I just found it amusing that the Director of a PC Antivirus software company reccomends getting a Mac and an XBox. Still not amused?