Search results

  1. T

    What Do You Think of the new iPods?

    the iPod Touch is a turd. add email app and we'll talk. Add maps and notes, too, and I'll give you my credit card details.
  2. T

    What is best way to mount the AppleTV to the wall?

    Bought an AppleTV yesterday, but because of my setup I need to mount it on the wall (flat against the wall). ANyone know the best way? I was thinking using 3 or 4 of those 3M Ahvesive stips like these except they dont have a hook -- you stick them on something (usually a picture frame)...
  3. T

    Date and time slow , sometimes freeze

    yes I think you are having the same issues as me. I have had this problem for at least 2-3 months now and no update has fixed it :( I also find that sometimes when replyingto an email in Apple it hangs for a long time. In any event, the only workaround I have found is to get into Date...
  4. T

    Apple event September 5th confirmed

    hmmm, maybe. that main menu sure did look bare. Still, the iPod and iPhone are running off the samesoftwrae and largely the same hardware, I don't see why it would be such a task to make an iPod version of email and notes. @icemanjc yeah I agree those colours weren't the best choices. no...
  5. T

    Apple event September 5th confirmed

    hmm, well the touch is very cool no doubt, and I literally was entering my debit card details during the keynote, but a couple things made me think twice, and now I'm not so sure. - No email. It has a full browser but no email? wtf - No notes application...again, wtf? The iPod is not powerful...
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    DVD Unlocker (region free)

    that DVD Unlocker website looks very dodgy indeed. I would not recommend giving them your credit card/paypal details. It is a textbook example of sites to avoid, with just about every telltale sign of sleaziness imaginable... - "ALMOST BANNED!!!!11!!one!!" badge - 27 exclamation points -...
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    Apple event September 5th confirmed

    yikes. do you have a link? I don't think so anyway -- that is even more expensive than the iPhone. The new iPod cannot be more than US $400 IMO, otherwise people will simply think 'may as well buy an iPhone -- or a Zune'
  8. T

    UK iTMS

    still no tv shows for australia. I don't think even Canada has them yet. I don't understand it. Is Apple making it difficult allow TV networks to get their shows on iTunes, or are the TV networks not willing to offer them? Because if I owned a TV station I would be busting to spray my shows...
  9. T

    Apple event September 5th confirmed

    I hope so. people (+me) have been hoping for/expecting a touch screen iPhone-style iPod for 2 years. If we get the same thing as the 5G, but with interface eye candy, it will be very disappointing. We know they *could* create an iPod that is everything we want, but they may not deliver it for...
  10. T

    Apple event September 5th confirmed looks like it is happening. And by the looks of the invite, it will very likely be something to do with the iPod. this is perfect timing for me -- my iPod 5G died literally yesterday (HDD is dead. I dropped it...
  11. T

    My sister bought a PC, just because it was pink!

    Macs aren't for everyone, no doubt, so when my sister -- after planning to buy a MacBook for many months -- announced she was buying a Dell laptop I was mildly irritated/disappointed but nothing much. Until, that is, she revealed her reason for choosing a Dell...simply because it came in pink...
  12. T

    The new iMac, HOLY COW

    they are very nice. I've never been a glossy screen fan, but I must say I have seen other people with MacBooks, and it isn't as reflective as I thought it would be. Unannounced Mac Mini upgrade to core2duo! w00t!
  13. T

    When and How can we find out the annoucement tomorrow?

    It will appear in the Apple Events section of Apple's website soon after the event. If you are keen to watch the keynote, as I am, just avoid slashdot, digg etc, until it appears on that page. If you don't want to watch the keynote (or don't care how you find out about the new products), then...
  14. T

    August 7 predictions

    no one thinking touch screen iMac? I know it is a popular rumor. and mindbend, don't say the mini is dead! nooo!
  15. T

    August 7 predictions

    Now that Apple seems to have confirmed the August 7 event, let the predictions begin! The new brushed metal iMac seems a safe bet at this point. I'm crossing all my fingers that they will upgrade the Mac Mini. I am trying to put together a home theatre setup with a mini but am waiting for...
  16. T

    Bobw Passed Away

    Hello everyone, I've just logged on a read the message. I don't have much to add, but I wanted to send my best to his family and friends. very sad news. I'd also like to add that this thread is exactly why I love this forum. Everyone here is so sincere and respectful. RIP mate.
  17. T

    RAM is bad, but how do I prove it?

    I was sure to check my HDD, amongst other things, which has returned no errors. As I said before, after I was experiencing errors I removed the RAM and did not have any issues, which is a strong suggestion that it was the cause. After putting it back in, I did not receive kernel panics, but I...
  18. T

    RAM is bad, but how do I prove it?

    I bought 1 GB stick of ram for my MacBook Pro a couple weeks ago, and I suspect it is bad, because: * was receiving 2-5 kernel panics an hour about 2 weeks after purchase * was experiencing many, many random app crashes and corrupted preferences * in some case, I had a random restart, and...
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    10 good tools for ~10% at macupdate

    wasn't Tech Tool originally waiting for 9,999 purchases before it would be unlocked? looks like they dropped it to 5,999. To play devil's advocate for just a moment: it would seem a lot of these apps, if not all, are at the end of their cycle. With leopard delayed, I'm sure these companies...
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    [HOWTO] get around Microsoft Office corrupt font issue

    good riddance. I am not getting these corrupt font errors, but I might delete FontCacheTool just to get rid of the optimization. I can't tell you how many times I have been forced to stare at the "optimizing font menu" screen while loading a Word doc. How does FontBook do it? seems to work far...