Search results

  1. T

    help... superdrive

    passive-agressive anti-mac sentiments aside -- sounds like your drive is a dud, or has failed. Seeing as it's a G4 and you've had it 3 months, I presume it is a second-hand powerbook? second hand laptops are always a bit of a gamble. Perhaps someone will have some suggestions, but it sounds like...
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    converting PHP to HTML

    thanks so much for all your advice. your suggestions set me on a path to find my solution: SiteSucker. With this app I can suck my localhost version of the site and, provided I tell it to localise the content, will save a cache of my site as separate files! At the end I still need to change...
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    Canasta for Mac OS X?

    My mother really wants a Canasta app for Mac. believe it or not, she has an entire PC dedicated solely for the purpose of playing canasta and a hand and foot card game. I can't seem to find any Canasta games for OS X. Does anyone know of one? She is using an iBook G4 running OS X 10.4.
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    Should I buy parallels?

    I have been using the trial for the last couple of weeks and have found it most helpful with site testing, but I've been holding off because I would hate to spend the AU$100 only to find Leopard has implemented comparable features. What do people think? What are the chances of Leopard...
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    converting PHP to HTML

    hello Jacob. Yes I realise I can do that, but it's not very efficient with hundreds of pages. Plus it means I have to manually change the links that allow the user to navigate to each page.
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    converting PHP to HTML

    Hello everyone. At work I have been asked to maintain an online newsletter for my division. To make updating easier, I intend to build a simple PHP/MySQL driven site to display articles in a blog-like style. The problem is the destination server does not support any server-side language...
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    Parallels and Vista Home Editions

    do you think there is a possibility that this is to try and discourage people from using Windows on a Mac with something like Parallels? I tried the new coherence mode today and it is amazing. Something like that must scare the hell out of Microsoft.
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    Best antivirus software (even though we don't need it yet)

    The best antivirus app is...Mac OS X ;) here is a list of some antivirus apps. But you are right, there is just no reason forthe inconvenience and the system slow-down accociated with anti-virus apps. The only way to prevent an anti-virus from slowing down your computer is to use a...
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    Expose question

    If I understand what you mean, it sounds like you would like VirtueDesktops, which allows you have have multiple desktops at the same time. VirtueDesktops is pretty much the same thing as Apple's own spaces, which will come with Leopard (if you're not sure what VirtueDesktops does, watch the...
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    boy they would be mighty annoyed if Apple came out with a touch-screen Mac at the next special event like some are predicting. And even if they don't, I think most people who might have considered buying a ModBook would perhaps be getting an iPhone instead. I notice btw, that he appeared to be...
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    Very nice...

    can you believe someone actually submitted the 'we'll be back' message to digg?! apple sure are doing something right.
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    iChat - what use is it?

    I wonder if adium will ever support Skype IM down the line? That would be fantastic. both skype and iChat have their advantages and disadvantages, but they are minor. I dont think one is superior enough over the other to recommend really. I think use whichever one you have the most buddies on...
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    Very nice...

    they can sing me a lullaby and bake me a basket of muffins, there is no way in **** I"m handing them $579 for AppleCare on a MacBook!
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    Very nice...

    has anyone else here gotten a courtesy call from apple like MrTAToad? I've only ever heard Apple doing this with businesses and tech journalists.
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    Possible new Apple Logo?

    yeah they've used red for a long time. THey still use it on their AppleCare box art. It could also be a nod to product red
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    New Get a Mac Ad

    I agree apple needs to show off the hardware and software in use in their ads (esp iLife apps), but I think they avoid it because they don't want it to come off like an infomercial -- not really Apple's style. They did release a print ad that was a little better, but I'm yet to see one in a...
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    New Get a Mac Ad

    ok ok, I know these ads are getting old, but this one actually made me laugh out loud. First one in a while that has done that:
  18. T

    Which MB Pro? Old 17 or New 15?

    good point eric. I find that too (though some ppl love it). I personally think 15" is at that sweet spot where it's big enough to do serious work, but small enough to be easily portable. That can be personal taste tho
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    Which MB Pro? Old 17 or New 15?

    It depends what is most important to you -- performance or screen size. The new MBPs have significantly improved specs -- RAM can be increased to 3GB instead of 2GB, and the new Core2Duo processors are quite significantly better than the CoreDuos. So it depends on what you are doing. If you're...
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    A Bulging Battery And A Spastic Trackpad

    Cheers rod. boy that is scary to think the battery was about to burst -- especially seeing as a laptop is designed to be placed on your lap (well, unless you ask Apple). Most have heard about the battery recall, but I always thought it was Apple and Dell being over-cautious. I'd never heard of...