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  1. mersyone

    Creating a style with link and hover colours help please

    Hello. I was in your same exact position. And just so it doesn't take you as long as it took me .... You have to set it a custom "CLASS". Since your a:link & a:hover control your page's default links you have to create a NEW style rule and control any SPECIFIC links with that rule. For...
  2. mersyone

    Powermac G4 Tower Won't Start After Power Outage

    Wow! Great advice RGM! I will definitely reconsider my power-plugging habits as my Power Mac G4 has just literally, ...gone up in "smoke".
  3. mersyone

    Double-Loop Wire Binder

    yeah i was looking at that one. Not too bad. It's only 1-size. I might just look for a while on eBay for the "WireMac 3:1 Manual Bind Machine". It's a $100 bucks more but can do alot more. It's got adjustable holes!!! (gosh I'm such a nerd. so excited over a binding machine)
  4. mersyone

    Double-Loop Wire Binder

    Hola all! I'm doing a self-promo capabilites brochure right-now (50+ copies) and want to use a double-looped wire-bind. It's a pretty tedeous piece with alot of crafting involved. I don't trust Kinkos to bind, lol! I'd rather spend the money to either do it myself or have a small...
  5. mersyone

    How come my "OPEN WITH" (right-click) Function doesn't work w/ Photoshop?

    I did a "search" prior to asking (just to let you know). There was stuff on how to delete the "droplets" as they call them, but not on how to fix them. I do alot of Photoshop work but just a few days ago I noticed when I "right-click" an image file to "OPEN-WTH" Photoshop, the program just...
  6. mersyone

    [FAQ]Can I install Tiger on my Mac from another Mac's DVD/CDs?

    Corporations like Walmart can generate $3 million dollars in 7 minutes, while some of us consider "Red Lobster" fancy dining. That is their (...or our) rational. (sorry to have brought up the subject one last time)
  7. mersyone

    [FAQ]Can I install Tiger on my Mac from another Mac's DVD/CDs?

    that sucks,...and is kinda,...well,.... *IS* stupid! yeah i own 3 comps myself )1mac, 2 pcs0 and you know what;...sorry to say this but we don:t live in a disney world with magic faries and unicorns that make rainbows. This is reality and EVERYONE has cut corners! If you can tell me the...
  8. mersyone

    Can't install OS X on Dual G4

    yeah, I'd have to ask the same question; what kind of CDs are these? Are these downloaded, custom-made, original retails? (ALOT of people don't know what they're doing when trying to make copys of install cds.) But you did mention that you did get it up and running on another comp...
  9. mersyone

    [FAQ]Can I install Tiger on my Mac from another Mac's DVD/CDs?

    We are NOT intending on using this for our offices! "heck no!"...I wouldnt give my office the satisfaction. This is for our personal home use. However, we don't live together (just work together) which if what your saying is that in order to legitimately buy Tiger Family Pack there has to be...
  10. mersyone

    Viruses On Os X

    whats cool about the MAC is it remains completely neutral to .EXE executable files (PC). If you download alot, then it's safest on a Mac. So those pesky viruses (.exe) that decide to run themselves are completely handicap in Mac's Operating Systems. I LOVE MY MAC! I HATE MY PC!
  11. mersyone

    installed 10.4, but can't login

    Let me know what happens ALMOOK cuz I just bought Mac OSX 10.4.3 Family-Pack. Been having some issues with my root login PW currently on 10.3.9. (about to install Tiger but don't wanna screw up the whole thing ya know!)
  12. mersyone

    [FAQ]Can I install Tiger on my Mac from another Mac's DVD/CDs?

    Okay, A few friends of mine (5 total) in our creative dept. just pitched in to buy the FAMILY 5-PK LICENSE for Mac OSX Tiger 10.4.3. I'm curious how this works though; we just opened the retail box and there isn't 5 SERIAL there. So I'm curious how this works; DOES IT WORK FOR THE...
  13. mersyone

    Can't format external hard drive?

    just RE-format the whole thing. don't try and partition, just start from scratch and reformat the whole thing. THEN you can start partitioning.
  14. mersyone

    Mac OSX on Windows Network Problems

    yeah I've HEARD that's the TRUE way to go.
  15. mersyone

    DVD+R Blank Media? Will It...

    drat! i think your right. I just looked online for updated drivers, ...adn no go. It's a PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-105. Oh well, maybe they'll make one in the future. They had one but it was only for PC.
  16. mersyone

    when i have desktop background change, programs freeze

    you gotta realize that those pretty bkgrd image sof your EATS UP your ram. So everytime it's switching pics, that alone is fighting with your system's resources. NOT ONLY THAT, everytime time you move windows around, d'you know your mac wallpapers are re-drawing themselves. it's cuz you...
  17. mersyone

    DVD+R Blank Media? Will It...

    Just curious. I just bought a ton of blank DVD+Rs and come to find out that my Mac spits it right back out at me cuz I GUESS MAC only uses DVD-Rs Is there a way around this? Like a downloadable driver or something.
  18. mersyone

    Is it bad to sleep your computer and stick it in your backpack ?

    doesn't that thing still HEAT up when in SLEEP mode? not sure,...
  19. mersyone

    blank DVD-R locks up computer, won't eject

    d'you make sure to have the latest drivers and updates for that BURNER DRIVE? make sure it matches your system setup. Drivers are typically the problem but it might just be that you got a CRAPPY DRIVE.
  20. mersyone

    LOCKED OUT! Login window only displays "Other..." user.

    I "kinda-sorta" had the same issue at work where my ADMIN account user went totally berserk and I couldn't access the account after restart. I had to ACCESS some files immediately to meet a deadline so ALTHOUGH THIS IS A BIT UNRELEVANT, all I did was create new account user with admin...