I need your help! Last night I put my PowerMac G4 (Gigabit) tower in sleep mode, then put myself in sleep mode. Early in the morning, we had a power outage. When I went to start my computer to work on taxes, nothing happened. No start up chime, no fan, nothing at all. I tried unplugging and replugging back in. Nothing happened. Tried resetting the PMU, waited 10 minutes, pushed power button, and still nothing. Tried pulling battery out to reset logic board, hit PMU button again, same results--absolutely nothing. Pulled cover off of power switch and hit the little reset switch in there as well. Nada. Computer is plugged into a top-of-the line surge protector, and all other peripherals that were plugged in to same bar are working fine (external CD burner, printer, desk light, speakers). Could it be the power module in the computer, and if so, how hard is it to replace? I HAVE to get this computer running again asap to get my work done! I leave this in your knowledgeable hands!