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  1. K

    Switches and Sniffers?

    How does Sniffer software work when it comes to switches? I understood the basic idea of a switch was to prevent the other ports on the switch from seeing the traffic on other ports. If this is true, how can one use a Sniffer program successfully? Regards, Konrad
  2. K

    Journaling.... No defrag?

    Journaled file system does not need to be de-fragmented. From what I've seen on the Net, journaled FS will automatically defrag files on the fly that are under 20MB in size. If a 10MB file is accessed and is no in one piece, the OS will automatically take the file and store it in a new...
  3. K

    help with terminal launch script

    Every time I lauch Termainal, it does the following... Last login: Wed Nov 5 22:47:53 on ttyp1 Welcome to Darwin! Dual500:~ kon$ cd "/Users/kon/Music/Vault/" Dual500:~/Music/Vault kon$ Can anyone tell me where this line is coming from? In 10.2 it would have been in the .tcsh file...
  4. K

    What is BitTorrent?

    Thanks monktus. That's what I was curious about.
  5. K

    What is BitTorrent?

    Can anyone give me a quick review of what BitTorrent is and does? All I know is that if I get a Torrent files, I'm able to d/l the file from different peers. Very very neat! At the same time the application is always uploading. What is it uploading? TIA
  6. K

    Mounting a PC USB drive?

    Does anyone know if it's possible to mount a PC USB drive in OS X? I believe the PC drive is running NTFS. Anything I can do to access it?
  7. K

    column view and alphabetical order?!

    Can someone explain to me what kind of alphabetical order column view uses when sorting numbers? Never mind. After closer examination, I realize what the OS is trying to do. It wasn't soriting by the first character but the actual number. the skipping of leading zero's threw me off. e.g...
  8. K

    how to set Windows machine to authenticate w/OS X?

    This way instead of using Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with Active Directory, I can use X Server for centralized account authentication. Not to mension saving money on each CAL that Microsoft charges, vs unlimied CALs with X Server.
  9. K

    Can't login from PowerBook to OS X Server

    I'm trying to use a network account created on X server. Since I modified the NetInfo Directory Access field, the Powerbook should check the local database, realize the account does not exist, then check the NetInfo db on the server and allow me in. For some reason it does seem to check with the...
  10. K

    how to mount CD-Rom or another volume in Single User Mode?

    Can anyone tell me how do you mount the CD-Rom or another volume when in Single User Mode? To mount the root volume you go... mount -uw / How would I know how the machine is referencing the cdrom? Device name?
  11. K

    how to set Windows machine to authenticate w/OS X?

    Does anyone know what must you do to have a Windows 2000 or XP machine authenticate against an OS X server? Where would you specify the IP of the OS X server (LDAP)?
  12. K

    Can't login from PowerBook to OS X Server

    We have OS X Server up and running, user accounts created, NetInfo config modified via Directory Access on a powerbook, etc. Unfortunately when I enter the network username on the Powerbook I get the error... 'You cannot log into this computer. You are not authorized to log into this...
  13. K

    OS X as a tftp server

    There is a very good article on the issue located at AFP548 ( In a nutshell, in OS X.1 you used the inetd.conf file to enable TFTP, in OS X.2 you now modify the files inside the xinetd.d directory. Also, to upload a file to an FTP server, a...
  14. K

    How to uninstall Remote Desktop?

    One thing OS X is missing is an uninstall function. I'm having a problem with Apple Remote Desktop, it suggests I reinstall the software. Unfortunately when I try to install the original version over the updated 1.1, the system tells me it can't. How would I uninstall the broken version? TIA
  15. K

    How to sync Address Book dB?

    How would I sync up my Address Book between my PowerBook and G4?
  16. K

    How's the icon spacing in Jaguar 10.2?

    Spacing looks the same in Jaguar without any additional options for spacing.
  17. K

    no printer sharing in 10.2?

    Your right! It's the last one in the Sharing System Preference. It be nice if Apple put a button in the Printer Center to take you to the Sharing System Preference.
  18. K

    no printer sharing in 10.2?

    I was hoping to share an epson printer connected to a G4 running 10.2, but I don't see any options in the print center to enable printer sharing. Can anyone verify this, or am I looking in the wrong place? One great thing added to 10.2 is IP printing via the recently aquired CUPS technolgy. I...
  19. K

    Should I format my drive HFS+ or UFS?

    What is the better file system to use? OS X supports UFS, is this a better option to use over HFS+ if I don't plan on running OS 9 on the computer? What are the advantages of each? thanks.
  20. K

    Broken folder icon on 10.1 CD boot

    Have you tried to Zap the Open Firmware? To do it, shut down your Mac, then press Command-Option-O-F as you start it back up. You can release the keys when you see a white screen that says "Welcome to Open Firmware." At the Open Firmware prompt, type "reset-all" (without the quotation marks, of...