Journaling.... No defrag?


OK.... Panther up and running. Amazing, I love it! For ha ha's I mounted my PB's drive (via target disk mode) on my iMac and ran Drive 10 on it. It looks somewhat fragmented. But it won't allow optimizing on a journaled drive. How do I defrag my Journaled Panther drive. Same with fsck. It won't do anything on a Journaled drive. Any suggestions? Thx.
Journaled file system does not need to be de-fragmented.
From what I've seen on the Net, journaled FS will automatically defrag files on the fly that are under 20MB in size.
If a 10MB file is accessed and is no in one piece, the OS will automatically take the file and store it in a new location. hence no longer fragmented.

As for fsck, run it this way...
fsck -yf (f will force it to work on journaled FS)
As I heard about journaled file system, it is just some kind of "protection" when the system crashs or God knows what else, so you won't lose data, since the recent disc-access was journaled. AFAIK it has nothing to do with defragmenting the disc. But panther does have another feature that is kinda defragmenting the disc all the time. But this (as I suppose) has nothing to do with journaled drive.
But I might be wrong... ;)
Zammy-Sam said:
As I heard about journaled file system, it is just some kind of "protection" when the system crashs or God knows what else, so you won't lose data, since the recent disc-access was journaled. AFAIK it has nothing to do with defragmenting the disc. But panther does have another feature that is kinda defragmenting the disc all the time. But this (as I suppose) has nothing to do with journaled drive.
But I might be wrong... ;)

From what I have read, the Auto-defrag/optimize only operates when journaling is enabled (which is the default with Panther) It's a function provided by Darwin
To run fsck with Journaling enabled, type
fsck -f in Terminal.

To defrag, you can turn off Journaling using Disk Utility.
There is some key command to disable Journaling right? anyone know what it is? And can I turn Journaling back on when I'm done defragging?
shoxwaken said:
There is some key command to disable Journaling right? anyone know what it is? And can I turn Journaling back on when I'm done defragging?

read bobw item above "you can turn off Journaling using Disk Utility" If you want to de-frag, go ahead and do that, then turn Journaling back on.
If you go to Disk Utility, you'll see that the keyboard shortcut is cmd-J (toggles journaling on and off each time. But you have to be in Disk Utility to do that command.