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  1. J

    AnonymousGet 1.0!!!

    lol :) C'mon, lighten up, I'm just happy with my first thing on VT. I mean, look at simX's MUG, you could just as easily type top :p
  2. J

    AnonymousGet 1.0!!!

    Wow, this great new app is out, and its for freeeee ;) w00t ;) On a more personal note (:P), this is my 100th post :P
  3. J killed by Staff yikes! :( \* Edit: typo in URL *\
  4. J


    :D So I accidentally cliked "New Topic" instaed of "Reply"... whoops :) Just ignore this message of course, knowing these boards, this will turn into a 400 post long thread :)
  5. J


    Well thats a rather rude assumption to make, that he pirated it. He COULD have been using a public computer with photoshop! Ever think of that? :P
  6. J

    Programming Chat and Support!!!!

    Referenced Post:
  7. J

    Programming Chat and Support Channel

    Hello! Well, me, along with the help of such forum-goers as simX, kilowatt, and others, have started up a chat room on the Sorcery IRC network (why not Press3? Ask me sometime when in there :P) well for connection settings: #iThink also, talk to CocoaBot. He's an...
  8. J


    Well, if you ever need any help on a UI, gimme a call.... Also, check out our/my chat room for programming (simX is a part of it too :P) channel: #iThink check us out... also, talk to CocoaBot, hes an infobot with lots of knowledge of Cocoa :)
  9. J

    mac keyboard font

    That font has been used on every mac keyboard ever... I dont know what its called tho :P
  10. J

    Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

    Ill go first Admiral, to make sure the mascot... is safe.... :D But seriously, I think its real... sad, eh? I want that persons email addy to just bitch at em. Notice how theres other articles at that site about VA Software, and slashdot, but this guy doesnt even know what linux is. Oh and...
  11. J

    "You can't do anything on a Mac"

    What is that? a giant espresso machine? if so, i want it :P
  12. J

    Announcing Apple Remote Desktop!

    Yes, it is like Timbuktu... my friend who works at Apple let me know a week ago about this... :D Been hard to not let the Cat out of the bag. ;) It works well (Course I have a copy)... havent done anything but control my moms Powerbook running 8.6... if you guys want inside info more often...
  13. J

    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    No, the Government SHOULD help Joe Poor (me) become Joe Rich... derr! :D
  14. J

    Virtual Desktops...what do you want?

    I agree with adambyte... but not in the dock... Do a menuling that pops down into a little "boxy" menu that has graphical representations of the desktops... just like little borders to show windows and stuff. In a perfect world, it would be like that, but when you rolled over the picture of...
  15. J

    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    Am I well known? :P Perhaps If I mentioned what Carracho server I run/ran? 'course, who would admit to visiting it in a thread such as this? :P
  16. J

    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    I'll buy them (as I said, I like the boxes and booklets :D) off you sure, if I have the amount of money you want for them. I just "pirate' them if I dont find someone with it for sale, or the ones for sale dont have the booklets etc (in which case, I dont care if its a DMG or a CD they gave me :P
  17. J

    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    Okay first off, sorry this is a bit late.. just been away for a while... First thing I will admit to is pirating software and music. It's something I do.. I use the software I pirate. On the other side of the spectrum, I am an official beta tester (well, I was, since they are done now) for...
  18. J

    Disk Copy 6.4

    hehe, thanks guys, but I have myself already not only aquired it, but also 6.5b11, and both WERE avail on my carracho server (transitioning to a new comptuer, so itll be up soon)
  19. J

    PENTIUM based server?!

    :-D :-D