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  1. Untitled

    Apple Design Awards

    In order to enter the apple design awards do you need more than a free developer membership with apple? I think I have the knowledge, but I know I don't have the money. :D
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    Need 10.3.6 mach_kernel and related files.

    Well I got someone elses kernel and I indeed did get further in the boot process. Unfourtunately it was not the only file that was corrupted so I ended up reinstalling Oh well :/
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    Need 10.3.6 mach_kernel and related files.

    I have a beige g3 running 10.3.6 and during a startup I had a kernel panic which led to some had drive corruption. After using diskWarrior under os 9 to fix that issue I attempted to boot up again only to get stuck with the message "Still waiting for root device" I am fairly certain that...
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    how to get mousetracking points

    Assuming that you are just tracking events in a window of your program, you will want to look at NSEvent This is also a nice related tutorial...
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    how to get mousetracking points

    Are you using Cocoa? Carbon?
  6. Untitled

    Unable to locate system disk

    It does not show the volume because the hard drive in the laptop is corrupted. It sounds like you are going to have to format the drive and reinstall the OS unfortunately. If you want to be an optimist, you can think about the fact that you are essentially defragging the hd when you format it :/
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    OS X install problems on Beige G3

    Wow, I know this post is coming back from the dead but I think people may find this useful. The reason scsi did not work was because the drivers supply for the card were really old. After doing some research I found out that the card is made by atto and that they are fairly consistent with...
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    FTP logins have stopped working

    Grabbed and summarized from the apple forums open up a terminal and type the following: cd /usr/libexec sudo mv ftpd ftpd.bad (save it just in case) if you are using 10.2.8 download the file...
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    Cannot login to ibook via ftp

    check this forum... I am having the same trouble.... what a terrible software update.
  10. Untitled

    NSSlider is confusing me.

    Alright! figured it out. Apparently I had to connect the NSSlider not only my view, but also to the first responder...
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    NSSlider is confusing me.

    Using casting, the value of the slider is sucessfully output in the sliderAction method. Progress! Thanks. Unfortunately, when I print this variable out using NSLog when the sheet that this button is located on is closed, it prints 0. :( Do you know what is going on here? It is a global...
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    NSSlider is confusing me.

    I have a screen saver that has a NSSlider in the configure sheet. This slider is attached to my screenSaver view via an action and an outlet. @interface MYfnsView : ScreenSaverView { IBOutlet id _theSliderOfDoom; @private int _sliderOfDoomValue; int _anotherIntVar; } -...
  13. Untitled

    Using NSAllocateMemoryPages in threads.

    I am using the [NSString getCharacters:buffer range:range] and want to allocate it in a new string with [NSString stringWithFormat:@"this is a buffer:%s", buffer] I know I could just add a few more lines however I would like to implement it in this fashion if at all possible for performance...
  14. Untitled

    Using NSAllocateMemoryPages in threads.

    I tried that and it did not work. :/ Using NSString to print it is working however so I am not sure if that is a sign that there is not a memory problem.
  15. Untitled

    Using NSAllocateMemoryPages in threads.

    I am using cocoa and and using this method currently. I was hoping that I could just output the buffer without putting it in an NSString first however. Is it possible to do that with one of those magic %letter statements?
  16. Untitled

    Using NSAllocateMemoryPages in threads.

    Hmm... probably because the simplest solution is always overlooked. :D Actually, I was looking at how GNUStep worked their functions in the NSString classes and figured that would be the best way. Just for future reference to whomever looks at this forum, the below code works fine...
  17. Untitled

    Using NSAllocateMemoryPages in threads.

    I have a program that launches a thread which includes the following (dumbed down) code: unichar *buffer; buffer = NSAllocateMemoryPages(50 * sizeof(unichar)); NSDeallocateMemoryPages(buffer, 50); unfortunately this causes a crash with the following text in the console: ***...
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    Locked Out Of User Accounts

    Pardon me for the false information there. I do know I used that method somewhere else. Am I thinking of linux?
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    Will an iBook G3 500MHz dual USB take PC133?

    According to Comp TIA, it is acceptable. Im sure you do realize this, but just in case you don't, remember the ram will only run at pc100 speeds. Currently I have a beige that is supposed to use pc66 ram and I have a pc133 stick in there. It works fine. So there you have it, both...
  20. Untitled

    Locked Out Of User Accounts

    What mac are you using? Unless you are using an iMac, you can pick up an internal cd-rom or even cd-rw for that matter for a very cheap price. For your password troubles, you can try using the htpasswd utility to set the passwords. I am guessing the file somehow got corrupted in which case...