Unable to locate system disk



I booted my G3 pismo PowerBook into "firewire" mode (holding down T at boot-up) so I could defragment the hard-drive. I do this as I record a lot of audio and it batters my hard-drive....

I connected said laptop to my B&W G3 so I could run Disk Warrior to degfrag the HD.
During this process Disk Warrior crashed and has now left my laptop with no viewable hard-drive - and therefore I cannot boot up.

What can I do (apart from buy a new hard drive)?

Any help will help .....
Use DiskWarrior directly to boot the DiskWarrior CD. To do this load the CD, hold down the "C" key while it powers up. Then try to let the Disk Warrior repair the startup drive. Good luck.
I've tried this.
But Disk Warrior sees the CD itself as the only "volume" to work on.
The hard drive just isn't there?
blakeyman said:
I've tried this.
But Disk Warrior sees the CD itself as the only "volume" to work on.
The hard drive just isn't there?

It does not show the volume because the hard drive in the laptop is corrupted. It sounds like you are going to have to format the drive and reinstall the OS unfortunately. If you want to be an optimist, you can think about the fact that you are essentially defragging the hd when you format it :/