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  1. L

    For all web deisgner and developer.

    Jeez. Grow up. I'm sure everyone else is as sick as I am of people turning every bloody piece of software into an object of religious significance and then calling a crusade against the infidels who use a competing platform. It's a tool. It's an extremely good tool, as is PHP. I use them...
  2. L

    For all web deisgner and developer.

    I remember reading on macromedia's site that they were looking for people who had successfully installed CF MX on OSX.... This was when MX was still in beta... They're probably planning one. As for database support, that really isn't much of an issue. How many CF developers actually run their...
  3. L

    Domain name registrars: what's the best?

    probably doesn't apply to you, but dotster is the best for hosting multiple domains. 15 a year, and a great bulk management tool. The bank I work for has a couple hundred domains through them and about 140 just came up for renewal last month... it took me all of 5 minutes to renew them... last...
  4. L

    what do you do with your mac?

    500 MHz ibook... first mac ever... bought it because it makes clients go into an impressive degree of brain freeze, where they equate my ability as a designer and developer with the coolness factor of my laptop and the sheer beauty of OSX, and marvel at how good their website prototypes look in...
  5. L

    to all complaining about paying for upgrades too often

    Hmm. There's no 199 option in my ADC... there's a 99 dollar gift certificate for students, and a 500 dollar premier ADC membership... nothing in between.... where are you seeing this option at?
  6. L

    Sh!t. Many of us need to pay full price for 10.2

    If you have a mac dealer in your area, chances are they'll just give you the update disk. I don't think apple actually collects the up-to-date coupons from them... they didn't even ask me for one with 10.1.
  7. L

    AIM and 10.1.5 dont mix

    Do you have Silk installed? When I installed that and tried to run AIM with the nice antialiased text, it ran ok for a few minutes, then choked and died and wouldn't work properly again after til I turned silk off... and then it worked fine.
  8. L

    Bored? try your software update for fun.

    I don't have an inactive list anymore... when I reinstalled 10.1 and applied the updates to it, somewhere along the line the inactive list went away. Any idea how I can get it back? As for the networking update and airport update... hopefully between the two it'll resolve the problems I've...
  9. L

    Lost TCP/IP number after wake-up

    I've had a similar problem with my ibook. I'm on an internal network using airport though. It will lose track of my router and give me one of those "I have to assign myself an IP address" addresses... airport can still see the router, but it doesnt seem to get an IP from it. Sometimes it fixes...
  10. L

    If 10.1 performance sucks for you...

    Well that's great! I didn't realize 10.1 came with PHP... I could care less about the absolute latest apache, as long as the one on there is compiled with PHP as a module, handles MySQL, and operates well enough for my uses... but I have to have MySQL on there, too... I use it for a website demo...
  11. L

    Epson - why no uproar ?

    isn't VNC beautiful? Try tightvnc, it's still free and 100% compatible with standard VNC, but has better compression settings... I love that tiny program. Before we had that, we had to walk back and forth to our NOC whenever we needed to do administrative work on the...
  12. L

    If 10.1 performance sucks for you...

    Hmm. Sounds like I might try that. I just finished installing 10.1 (from the disk, not some downloaded copy) on my white ibook and I'm not noticing any real improvements. Windows still drag slowly, omniweb took 13 bounces to load, although that is less than it was before, I think... MSIE...
  13. L

    Internet Kiosk with Mac OS X

    Now what would be nice is if omniweb had a kiosk mode... since websites look sooo much better in omniweb than in IE or any of the other browsers I've tried on OSX.... It's amazing what a simple thing like good font rendering can do. It's too bad the flat screen imac didn't happen. Those...
  14. L

    Quick question to all y'all L333t comp duderinos.

    Ten years of experience. Hmm. Did cribs and playpens come equipped with SGI boxes ten years ago? At least, I hope anyone older than 13 or so isn't using numbers in place of letters, typing the names of operating systems in all capital letters, regardless of whether they are supposed to...
  15. L

    Should I take this iBook back?! ~help!

    Yes, that is what I was referring to before. And I'm pretty sure that it's in the ibook manual.
  16. L

    Should I take this iBook back?! ~help!

    You have any links for those, Matrix? My ethernet jack broke a while back. Of course, that's a lot harder to replace than a keyboard. JC
  17. L

    Should I take this iBook back?! ~help!

    Oh, and as for replacable keyboards, yes, they are, but it's about 400 bucks and has to be done by apple USA or apple Canada, unless there's an apple tech in your area licensed to work with the new ibooks. There wasn't one in the chicago area (unless there's one now that they opened the new...
  18. L

    Should I take this iBook back?! ~help!

    take the keyboard off and put it back on. lock it (use a tiny screwdriver in the center dot at the top of the keyboard) mine shipped unlocked, which gave it, I think, what you're referring to here.
  19. L

    rc62pc on Airport?

    Has anyone run into this.... I added an airport card to my ibook recently, and when I brought it into my office, even though we don't have a wireless network, it was showing that I had internet access via a network called rc62pc. I figured it might be either our air-LAN (connecting our...
  20. L

    Filesharing with Windows?

    Any idea if it will handle Windows 98 and ME? That's what I'd think most people would be more interested in, for home use.