Search results

  1. gumse

    SSH logins are really slow

    Sounds like some DNS lookup that takes time.
  2. gumse

    Help: German Language Speakers!

    I think the Norwegians have the same stories about Swedes as we in Sweden have about Norwegians.
  3. gumse

    Has anyone made an Airport Extreme controller yet?

    I have my Mac (with iTunes) in my home Office, AirPort Express in the living room connected to my stereo and, with the help of Salling Clicker and my SonyEricsson P800 via BlueTooth, I (and only I :) can select anything from my music collection in no time. Salling Clicker even controls the...
  4. gumse

    Help: German Language Speakers!

  5. gumse

    cash register

    Don't know if this helps, the site's in swedish, but this guy sells software and hardware for cash registers. Perhaps you can mail him, Hans Thörnquist is a nice guy.
  6. gumse

    BBedit search and replace question

    There is a Grep reference in the help menu. Return character = \r or \n depending on the file type. Happy replacing.
  7. gumse

    BBedit search and replace question

    I use BBEdit 8.0.2 (don't know if that's significant) The "\(" just means that "(" is used as a normal character instead of any special grep meaning. The "." means "any character" ".*" means any number of any character. I took your first post and pasted the text into BBEdit, then I tested...
  8. gumse

    BBedit search and replace question

    Check the "Use Grep" checkbox Search for: Amazonia says: \(.*\) Replace with: A:
  9. gumse

    Your Favourite Song of All Time

    Logic - by Logic System
  10. gumse

    How to choose a linux flavour ?

    I switched from Linux to FreeBSD 2 years ago, much less hassle i must say, stable as a rock and more hack proof.
  11. gumse

    adding sth to $PATH

    add: PATH=${PATH}:~/Applications to your .bash_profile in your home directory, beware that files beginning with a dot are invisible in the Finder, if you don't have a .bash_profile you can create one yourself
  12. gumse

    terminal shortcuts

    You probably don't have a file called ".bashrc" in your home directory, check with "ls -a" in terminal, files beginning with "." are invisible in the Finder. .bashrc is a simple textfile in you home directory, you can create it with any text editor, just be sure to save it as "text only"...
  13. gumse

    terminal shortcuts

    To open Safari from cli directly you have type: /Applications/ You could add the path to safari by adding the following to your .bash_profile : PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/ , but then you will start a new instance of Safari on...
  14. gumse

    Next problem getting PostgreSQL to work

    Take a look at: for better instructions, worked for me.
  15. gumse

    Is there a way to run shell scripts by double-clicking them?
  16. gumse

    mini icons in bookmarks
  17. gumse


    I where in Munich 3 weeks ago, sorry to say that work prevents me to go to the fest. It's always hard to get a place in one of the beer halls, the tickets gets sold out quick. The biggest tent,, is already fully booked, all 9918 places for 16 days. But Theresienwiese is...
  18. gumse

    Shell / script pointers needed

    #!/bin/bash if [ -f daisy.wav ] then echo "testfile exists! " fi
  19. gumse

    That pic in the URL box

    Using a GIF and rename it to .ico works ok too.
  20. gumse

    Automate filling out a web form and submitting through Applescript/anything?

    You could probably do this in curl from the terminal. Take a look at man curl and then look at , in Daniel describes how to fill in a form from curl.