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  1. Jayem

    PowerBook Hard Drive Upgrading

    i hit New Thread , rather than Reply... hehe:p ---------------- edited by: themacko ---------------- <God Voice>Not a problem, it's fixed.</God Voice> ;)
  2. Jayem

    PowerBook Hard Drive Upgrading

    ive been upgrading HDs on all my systems latlely ( all i need now is my 80 gig , BWAHAHA ). I havent had any problems with any HDs. I even upgraded my little sisters PBook to a 20 gig.. i didnt even look at any specs or anything like that... no drivers, no nothing... so id say it should work...
  3. Jayem

    G4 Not As Great....

    if only we could have flat screen imac... :::shivers::: damn that would be sweet
  4. Jayem

    Mac, Cancer, and Nasa?

    im no scientist...but i got a 97 on my chemistry regents 2 years ago... :rolleyes: anyways, i know that there are some medical applications available for download from the Apple website... i just dont know how sufisticated they are.
  5. Jayem

    G4 Not As Great....

    Me, Myself, and I have all been loyal Mac Users since the days of the performas...mind you i was 12 when I got my first Apple. Anywho-e, I've watched the processors slump big time since then. Personally I think that the G3 was the best processor that Motorola ever came out with for Apple. And...
  6. Jayem

    16 colors

    hmm i thought that looked familiar... but i guess its just to f***ing early to process any kind of normal brain functions. ;)
  7. Jayem

    Photoshop 6.5 in OSX...PIC inside before Adobe gets angry

    I have better things to pay for than RAM... bills my friend... :rolleyes: when i get the chance I'm upgrading to 1.5 Gigs
  8. Jayem

    Middle Seat

    "boo hoo hoo.... i knew someone who's cousins neighbor saw someone a couple weeks before the attacks, so now i want to make everyone believe that Im a true patriot." Im sorry, but ever since the attacks that has been everyones mentality, to be overly sensitive, and at times completely fake...
  9. Jayem

    16 colors

    Uhh is that a word? ludicrously:confused:
  10. Jayem

    Photoshop 6.5 in OSX...PIC inside before Adobe gets angry

    FINALLY SOME WORD AS TO WHENT THE F*** PHOTOSHOP IS COMMING OUT. Sorry for the caps but thats the only reason i couldnt bare to use my G4 anymore.... i ran OSX, and hated booting into classic ( i only have 256 ya know :rolleyes: )
  11. Jayem

    Lack of support

    Well RealPlayer X might never come out... and thank god for that [ in my opinion ] Windows Media is still in beta, and there arent any browser pulg-ins from what i know... and shock/flash should come preinstalled on your sys.
  12. Jayem

    XP & OS X Easy Networking?

    if this could be done with an SGI?
  13. Jayem

    XP & OS X Easy Networking?

    I posted a thread about this a little while ago and I had a few replies, but they didn't help much. Sorry guys. I guess it had to be my explination of the problem. I have two computers at my home. One is a G4 Mac running X.1.1, and a Pentium 4 running Windows XP home edition. They both share...
  14. Jayem

    a bit extreme...

    i could see something smaller.... MUCH SMALLER... perhaps the size of a dime... i mean the apple that is... somewhere not that visible... but even still why the fuck would you want that?
  15. Jayem

    Apple Fires Employee!

  16. Jayem

    AIM hack

    i know theres a way to get those f*ing adds off of the aim buddy list window in os9. Is there a way/hack to do it in X.1.1? or does the script work for x.1.1 aswell?
  17. Jayem

    OS X & XP Networking

    ok, let me break this down for ya'. I've got a Mac running X.1, and i have a Box running XP. They both access the internet thru a linksys router. I want to set up a "network" , if you will, in order to share music, and movies with my family, as well as play online games with them via lan. I...
  18. Jayem

    BroadbandOptimizer - more speed for browser in X

    ive been using it for a couple of days, and i think my connection is actually slower than b4... i think im gonna uninstall
  19. Jayem

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    i can deal with the speed i have right now... i want themes, schemes, and CUSTOMIZATION TO THE FULLEST. cmon cmon..... thats the best
  20. Jayem

    Microsoft to take over edu market.

    apple owns over 60% of the education market worldwide.