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  1. Phluxy

    Play with my Mac!

    don't call the imac ancient i would kill for one of those.
  2. Phluxy

    very sloooowww OS X

    The other stick of memory could have not been PC 133 (you could have been mistaken). Or it could have been simply a messed up peice of ram. To be absolutely sure it is good ram, buy it new. But with that new ram I absolutely guarantee you will see a big boost in performance. With that G4 and the...
  3. Phluxy

    frustrated with spotlight..

    the whole point is that it is real time and fast.
  4. Phluxy

    Want to play WOW.

    thanks for the help!
  5. Phluxy

    Want to play WOW.

    People have said that it runs fine on iBook. But i don't meet vram requirements. Will this be a problem?
  6. Phluxy

    Is kismac a good wireless cracker?

    actually i am doing some tests with my own router to see how easily wardrivers can crack my password.
  7. Phluxy

    Is kismac a good wireless cracker?

    Because i am downloading it right now.
  8. Phluxy

    Any cool hacks for iBook G4?

    more or less hardware hacks.
  9. Phluxy

    Any cool hacks for iBook G4?

    I LOVE the dual monitor hack but any other ones you know of?
  10. Phluxy

    Will the future software be still working for G5?

    I strongly disagree with those wanting the new imac. Get the new imac if you want G3 only apps. Possibly even G3 performance (which is why microsoft office runs so well)
  11. Phluxy


    I wanna compare my pc and mac. Any thoughts on how?
  12. Phluxy

    Want to stream audio and video on mac as an internet tv/radio station :)

    Any good apps (with a gui) that i can use?
  13. Phluxy

    I need free games

    gimme gimme links :)
  14. Phluxy

    anything like windowblinds/kaliedoscope for mac os x?

    I heard of one but i forgot what it was called.
  15. Phluxy


    CJ Mac Os X ipod shutup. Halo runs on Os X, not 9. And you only need a dvd reader to play xbox games. Not a superdrive. He is very obviously talking about the mac os x release. EDIT: and he even said it was halo for mac. n00b!
  16. Phluxy

    The official death of classic. May your respects here.

    I love classic and i don't like apple moving on from it. Not to praise windows or anything (cause i hate it) but Macs can't even run software from 6 years ago now. So let us pay respects to the second best operating system in the world and coolest thing in the world. Classic. and CJ Mac OS X...
  17. Phluxy

    How do i force a quit?

    Yes. It seems as if you are a switcher. This should be in the switchers section.
  18. Phluxy

    New intel Macs

    Yea I am sticking with my ibook for classic, reliability, compatability and speed with current apps. But the os is faster on intel i guess.
  19. Phluxy

    Kevin Rose

    Yea I hate Kevin Rose. But beside that, he was pretty brilliant this year on his blog. He was exactly right. I don't think i read on think secret about the new iMac or the MacBook Pro but did read about new intel macs but they were way off with their guesses. And it was obvious iLife '06 and...
  20. Phluxy

    Google Earth is now available for Mac!

    Doesn't seem different from the leaked version.