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  1. Tetano

    Mac OSX on a Xbox!!

    check this link, they explain how they do it!
  2. Tetano

    Very sick G4

    ooooops.... haven't seen it..... sorry....
  3. Tetano

    Very sick G4

    if you have a friend with a Mac, you can connect the machines with a firewire cable, and start yours in target mode (pressing t at the startup) Your hard drive would bee seen as an external drive on your friend mac, and you could transfer your data on it...
  4. Tetano

    Viruses On Os X

    create a virus isn't impossible... at the moment it's easier for windows for the presence on-line of virus-building tools which provide the necessary codes for every virus part... recently i haven't read of any new vulnerability in osX, but, for example, the latest update for iTunes was released...
  5. Tetano

    Dreamwever wont start

    Normally .plist files are in youruser/Library/Preferences, but if for Dreamweaver they're located in a different folder a search in finder for dreamweaver could help you to find them...
  6. Tetano

    Is There a Good PC Forum?

    Another solution could be end norton related processes from task manager, click Ctrl+Alt+Canc, they should look as nav*... but I'm quite sure that norton AV can be uninstalled normally from the Add/Remove Programs control panel... check if it's possible to use a sort of system restore from the...
  7. Tetano

    wma to itunes-friendly format?

    another useful tool in such a case is iEatBrainz, since in many cases when you convert the files you can loose the infos on the track... :)
  8. Tetano

    Windows Access from Mac OSX 10.3.8

    I think that you have to set that folder as shared... or just keep the files you need on both machines in the 'Shared Documents' folder...
  9. Tetano

    Repetitive permission repair

    They're related to the security updates, I don't know exactly what they mean, maybe someone here could be more specific about them...
  10. Tetano

    wma to itunes-friendly format?

    yes, just click on 'add to library' in the File menu, and select the .wma you need to import... if this doesn't work, get EasyWMA...
  11. Tetano

    Which make/model of Router?

    I use a Draytek router to network a xp pc and two mac laptops, it works very well...
  12. Tetano

    Worst crash I've ever had... worst crash you can possibly have

    It seems that your system is having some serious problem, so it's better to reinstall. I would go first with an archive and install, because the .sparseimage file, if it's still there, would remain in your hard disk, and you could try to mount it after the reinstalling...
  13. Tetano

    Worst crash I've ever had... worst crash you can possibly have

    I think it's a Filevault problem just for my experience... maybe it's a stupid question, but have you tried rebooting once more? just because i remember that i found the .sparseimage file after a couple of restarts, I can't explain why...
  14. Tetano

    How can i password protect a hard drive on my desktop....

    you can create an account for them, and if you want limitate their access to some applications.. or you can go to Disk Utility, select New Image, decide the size of the .dmg file, then in encryption select AES - 128. You'll be asked to choose an username and a password (don't add to the...
  15. Tetano

    Worst crash I've ever had... worst crash you can possibly have

    have you tried logging in with your user account and disabling filevault, before checking if you can see the .sparseimage? also, check repairing permissions once from disk utility before searching... I'm try to recall what exactly I did to solve the same problem months ago...
  16. Tetano

    Worst crash I've ever had... worst crash you can possibly have

    ok, search for a file with the name 'yourshortusername.sparseimage', if you find it your data are still safe... now, check if you can create a .dmg file from Disk Utility, or if you can simply open a .dmg file... if you can, check this link
  17. Tetano

    Worst crash I've ever had... worst crash you can possibly have

    just a question, do you have filevault enabled?
  18. Tetano

    Yet another Personal Freedom Thread (was: School bans iPods)

    maybe it's a hazard, but when your bench neighbour hates music and doesn't speak for all the day, an iPod could help my safety, avoiding me to literally fall into my experiments....
  19. Tetano

    Security Update 2005-003

    [/QUOTEFolder permissions Available for: Mac OS X v10.3.8, Mac OS X Server v10.3.8 CVE-ID: CAN-2005-0712 Impact: World-writable permissions on several directories, allowing potential file race conditions or local privilege escalation. Description: Secure folder permissions are applied to...