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  1. jbcandkc

    iTunes and DVD

    I know this thread is kinda old but the most important thing is whether your dvd player would even accept it. You can look up you dvd player at (in the left column there is a button for dvd players) to see what capabilities it has. In this case you would be looking for...
  2. jbcandkc

    Mounting an FTP volume using Connect to Server

    There is freeware called RBrowserLite that will let you get and put. I've used it to upload web pages and graphics. and it works really good. Give it a try.
  3. jbcandkc

    Howto send Illustrator files to a pc

    Whenever you send a file as an attachment to an email, always put an extentsion (.xxx) on it. It will go through much smoother if you do. So in this case, add .eps (if eps file) or .ai (if native illustrator). This should do the trick. jbcandkc
  4. jbcandkc

    Dual Monitors???

    There was one other question I forgot to ask. Will the monitors just mirror each other or can they be one continuous desktop?
  5. jbcandkc

    Dual Monitors???

    Thanks for the Quick!!! response.
  6. jbcandkc

    Dual Monitors???

    I have a G4 with a NVIDIA GeForce2 MX video card. It has a vga (which I am currently using) and an adc. If I were to get a flat panel and use the adc, could I still use my 17" connected to the vga at the same time? Thanks for any help.