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  1. Mikuro

    Running Web Browser on 2 different desktops

    Basically, you should keep one window in each space you want, and never close it. If it's open, clicking the Dock icon will bring forward the window in the active space. If you close one, then clicking the Dock icon will switch spaces to bring the other window forward, which is probably not what...
  2. Mikuro

    Applescript and Mainstage

    tell application "QuickTime Player 7" open POSIX file "/path/to/your/file.mid" play document 1 end tell For some reason QuickTime Player X will not open midi files, so you need to have QuickTime Player 7 installed, or an alternative player such as NicePlayer. If you use NicePlayer, simply...
  3. Mikuro

    Spaces / Mission Control transition in Lion

    I'll give it a shot. I'm not sure how much of it is a feature and how much of it is a bug, really. When Googling around, I learned that switching directly to a space with control-number uses a fast transition, but control-arrow uses a slow transition. Apparently multi-finger swipes use a...
  4. Mikuro

    Spaces / Mission Control transition in Lion

    Oh, okay. I got confused by the contextual menu stuff. Unfortunately, killing the Dock doesn't seem to change anything. :\
  5. Mikuro

    Spaces / Mission Control transition in Lion

    Wrong thread? :confused:
  6. Mikuro

    Spaces / Mission Control transition in Lion

    So, I'm finally upgrading to Lion (took me long enough!), and while overall I like it, there's one thing that's really bugging me: they really mucked up Spaces (or Mission Control as they call it now). The transition between spaces is slow, ugly, and weird. Three main problems: 1. The desktop...
  7. Mikuro

    Work around Outlook4Mac bug -- AppleScript to open file when its name is highlighted

    With AppleScript, I'm not sure of a clean way to get the selected text. With Automator, however, it's easy. Open Automator and select File > New > Service. The default should be "receives selected text in any application". You can change it to just Outlook. From there you could pass that text...
  8. Mikuro

    What is the best way to move files to folders on your computer?

    You can also use Exposé in mid-drag to select any open window. Very handy if you have overlapping Finder windows. Scrolling windows while dragging files is a pain. Apple badly broke this in OS X, and for some reason they've neglected the Finder pretty badly for all these years. So the short...
  9. Mikuro

    How to "decorate" files in a folder and subfolders?

    Here's an example of how to do it with Folder Actions: on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items tell application "Finder" repeat with x in added_items set the label index of x to 1 end repeat end tell end adding folder items to Drop that in...
  10. Mikuro

    Opening an URL with escapes

    I'm trying to write a script to take a snippet of foreign text and open it in Google Translate. This SHOULD be very simple: just escape the text, insert it into the URL, and load it in the browser. There's a problem, though. This is an example of a processed URL...
  11. Mikuro

    Access Time Machine Backup From Other Machine

    What shows up under Shares?
  12. Mikuro

    Kernel Panic! What Is Malformed Network Packet?

    Damn kids and their "aye-phones". Don't even know what a kernel panic is... :p
  13. Mikuro

    mkv codec playback

    Perian is great, but the current version has some issues with the latest version of QuickTime Player (not QuickTime itself, just QuickTime Player). So if you use Perian you may prefer to use an alternative QuickTime-based player like NicePlayer. The big advantages to Perian is that A) videos...
  14. Mikuro

    Zapping PRAM question! Please!

    Type "reboot" and hit Enter. If that doesn't work, go ahead and just power down.
  15. Mikuro

    PowerPC apps for Leopard?

    Get an older version of Audio Hijack. It's been around for a long time, so there are definitely versions that run on Leopard. I used to use it in Panther and Tiger.
  16. Mikuro

    PS/2 Ports on a PowerMac?

    It cannot be done. Apple included a built-in emulation layer called Rosetta to run PPC apps on Intel Macs (no longer supported in Lion, if I'm not mistaken), but there was never a way to go backwards, and realistically, there never will be.
  17. Mikuro

    PS/2 Ports on a PowerMac?

    Looks like this thread diverged pretty far. All I want to add to the current discussion is that OS X handles root privileges much like Ubuntu and several other Linux distros. The root account does not exist by default; if you need root access, you need to use sudo. Depending on what your needs...
  18. Mikuro

    PS/2 Ports on a PowerMac?

    I'm not aware of any Mac-compatible PS/2 PCI cards, but I suppose they might be out there. As with any PCI card, it should say if it's Mac-compatible. But rather than using a PCI card, it would probably be better to use a USB adapter. For example...
  19. Mikuro

    Using a Python source code

    You can always run a .py file by invoking the python command with the file as an argument. From Terminal:python /path/to/ Are there any problems specific to this program? If so, please post the output of the python command.
  20. Mikuro

    Upgrade or Buy New Mac?

    You can max out the RAM on that to 2GB for about $60 ( or There is also a developer actively porting new versions of Firefox to G4/G5 Macs running Tiger (10.4) or Leopard (10.5). Check it out at . That alone might solve your...