Search results

  1. H

    Parallels & OpenGL

    Parallels is a virtual machine, meaning, it creates devices that don't really exist and ties their functions back to the host OS/hardware. The guest OS, however, sees them as real devices. So far no one has figured out how to get full speed access to the video card to do the sort of thing you...
  2. H


    It won't let you edit the file? Starting a new Java project should be easy. File > New > Project - Choose Java Project. Then do File > New > Class. Then write your code. Where do you have your workspace?
  3. H

    X11 over ssh?

    Yea, you have to have X11 installed on your Mac. You said installing another X11 on your laptop, what do you mean? You already have it installed and don't want to install it again, or you don't want to have it installed on the server and the laptop? Anyways, I can't really find a reason NOT to...
  4. H

    EyeTV Observations

    Excellent. I had a TV Wonder as well... terrible, terrible product. The drivers were total pain in the ass to upgrade, the software were terrible - half the time I would get a completely scrambled picture but if I reopened the app it would fix its self, and finally the video was terribly laggy...
  5. H

    Audio CD Mastering/Design software

    I do have audacity, although, unless i'm missing something, it's only a multi-track recorder, not a CD layout/burning program.
  6. H

    Audio CD Mastering/Design software

    True, I was hoping that there would be more than one option. I'm actually a little surprised that I wasn't able to find an open source project for this. It seems like a common problem and there are a few decent OS multi-track audio projects out there.
  7. H

    Audio CD Mastering/Design software

    Interesting, I had looked at that briefly but just saw the record restoration feature. Anyways, thats way too expensive for my uses.
  8. H

    Audio CD Mastering/Design software

    Maybe I'm not good at coming up with search queries... it just seems silly that I can't find anything. What I need is something like Sony's CD Architect that lets you build an audio CD and create fades between tracks, adjust levels per track, etc. Anyone know of a good one for OS X? I can't...
  9. H

    IE produces blank pages; IE bug or PHP code error?

    You really should validate parameters before stuffing them into queries. I know it's a pain but people can do bad things to your database/site if you don't. I would read up on SQL Injection. See the attached image for a basic example of what happens when I put in an invalid number. Your site...
  10. H

    IE produces blank pages; IE bug or PHP code error?

    Are you sure you have PHP errors enabled? Also, I can't remember if they go into the apache log or if they go somewhere else. You could set errors to be returned to the browser, it would be easier to detect when errors occur. I would suggest doing that in your test environment, unless you...
  11. H

    Free PHP/HTML editor

    The PHPEclipse plugin has code completion... it's kind of 'meh' compared to the standard Java editor. I'm not sure if it's just because they haven't spent as much time developing or of it's much harder do code completion for an language where the files are much less structured.
  12. H

    IE produces blank pages; IE bug or PHP code error?

    There isn't even any html... IE won't even open notepad for me when I try viewing the source.
  13. H

    IE produces blank pages; IE bug or PHP code error?

    Interesting... Have you checked the server log for any PHP errors? You would think that even if there were some errors, if not at the very beginning, at least some html should come through.
  14. H

    [SAMBA] Setting permissions

    Keep in mind that I have never actually done this, and I don't have access to a Mac right now. I don't think it will modify the actual files in any way. I THINK... It would be smart to try it out first on another share that has unimportant data. Maybe ask a co-worker to add a new windows share...
  15. H

    [SAMBA] Setting permissions

    You are trying to set your apache root to a remote file share? Can I ask why? It could be that the share is only mounted so your user has access to it, in that case apache, which is probably owned by another user, can't access it. To verify this try typing opening a terminal, cd to the mounted...
  16. H

    Mac, Pacektnews ans Mirc??? HEELP :/

    X-Chat Aqua is OK. We usually don't talk about piracy on these boards, try and keep it legal.
  17. H

    MacPro X4 Video Card with SLI?!?

    I don't think that the Mac Pro supports SLI. Three of the slots are not as fast as the one intended for dedicated graphics use. I believe SLI requires more than just enough slots to stick cards in, you need the right cards and I'm pretty sure your motherboard must support it as well. So...
  18. H

    Faked Reters pix of Beirut

    Jesus, I suck at photoshop and I could have done a better job than that.
  19. H

    Elephant's Dream

    I was just as confused as you were and equally blown away by the quality. I've never used blender but it certainly does a good job. Open Source tools typically do well but they usually seem to lack that polished feel.
  20. H

    Desktop sets

    Interesting topic. I recently purchased a Microsoft Natural keyboard because my wrists had been starting to bother me at work. I brought it home with my to use this weekend to get a better feel for it and decide if I really wanted to keep it. Right now I'm thinking about taking it back because...