Faked Reters pix of Beirut


Now this is just ridiculous. I've studied press photography briefly and I've seen what you can achieve in terms of twisting pictures by opportunistic cropping, but this goes way beyond. I can hardly believe they couldn't find horrific shots showing how trashed the Lebanon is becoming without resorting to very very poor photoshopping. Bad, bad Reuters.
Alas, the use of Photoshop in the media is nothing new. Sometimes the differences can be quite concerning, and make you wonder about the angle that the source was trying to put on things...

A few examples:

1) A rally for Bush with rather more troops than were actually there

2) An Iraqi boy holding a sign

3) The "jubilant crowds" in Baghdad after the invasion

4) The Los Angeles Times doctoring a photo of a British soldier

Who says the camera doesn't lie? ;)
Oh, the camera has always lied (if only by omission), it just normally tries a bit harder. Interesting to hear Reuters have dropped the guy though.
I was once asked to manipulate a photo of an Irish choir to be presented in a gilded frame to Hillary Rodham Clinton in a ceremony held in Dublin in 2002.

Unfortunately, the conductor had only just resigned following a dispute and I had to remove him from the photo.

It was very tricky, as he had been standing in a field with several women in costumes behind him. It took me ages to do, but I think I got away with it.


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Brilliant everybody.

Remember the classic "official" Soviet Union group shot photos? Mao's China too. There were always guys missing as "moods" changed. I won't even mention the film footage that ended up in the trash. A riot.
Sky News and Fox News must know a thing or two in this domain. And then some....