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  1. H

    Cocoa with Garbage Collection On It's Way?

    Nice, the GC does make it a pain sometimes when you are writing performance critical apps (games), but in most other kinds of applications its reaallly nice.
  2. H

    Cocoa with Garbage Collection On It's Way?

    This reminding me of this ars post. Supposedly Jobs had hinted about garbage collection in an email about Obj-C vs C#, unfortunantly the email is no longer up on the site it was once posted. Not to thread jack or anything, but I think Cocoa is cool as hell, the way nibs work is so much cooler...
  3. H

    Simple question about websites!

    ^^ That will definitely do what you want, or you could just rename it index.html.
  4. H

    So I was looking on eBay...

    ... for some Pro Tools hardware, to see if I could find any deals on older hardware and I came across this item: Am I the only one that cringes seeing the...
  5. H

    Development platform advice

    It really depends, there are a lot of things to consider when choosing a platform. The reason a lot people use PHP/MySQL is because it is free, and they work so well together. However, when using straight PHP you end up doing a lot more work because you have to parse form data and there aren't...
  6. H

    Quicktime weirdness

    Trying to watch the MacWorld keynote on my G5 running Tiger 10.4.4 and qt all the way up to date. All I get is the blue loading thing on the bottom forever. Runs great on my PC though (wtf)
  7. H

    external harddrive.

    Does it work with other computers? What kind of enclosure? Have you checked disk utility or System Profiler to see if it is found but not initialized?
  8. H

    need help with CSS and XHTML layout

    The li's don't even show up in firefox, but if you want to have an image background on an anchor thats fine, and you did it in the CSS, but you don't have to put the blank image inside the <a> tags, just put a &nbsp; and set the size in the css. However, it seems like more trouble to set the...
  9. H

    Overloading operators in Objective-C

    Don't forget that Obj-C can use C++ libraries (and java too I think) so if you needed to bust out the C++ for some crazy math you could still use obj-c for the builk of your program.
  10. H

    Running iTunes Library from external USB HD

    You are incorrect sir, I don't know what the max is, but the 32 has nothing to do with the max size. I have a 250 GB external drive that I use between my mac and my PC that is formatted with Fat32. Not a problem here at all.
  11. H

    we can breath easier about intel macs

    It does look better, I still hope they don't put a sticker on the new Macs though.
  12. H

    Running iTunes Library from external USB HD

    Hmm, I do kind of the same thing and haven't had any problems. I don't have my library on the external disk, I just turned off auto copy and imported all the songs, left the library at the default spot.
  13. H

    Cocoa with Java and packages

    OK, seems to work. In IB I just named the class as the fully qualified class name. So, package.package.ClassName Working swell.
  14. H

    Cocoa with Java and packages

    I started working on client/server project for fun earlier today when all I had was a PC, so I wrote it in Java. I wrote a really light backend that functions fine but it needed an interface. When I got home I was going to try and create an interface using eclipse SWT, but I thought it would be...
  15. H

    Wacom Support for GIMP

    Just as a note it works great with GIMP on windows... now I just gotta not be lazy...
  16. H

    Wacom Support for GIMP

    I just got a Graphire 4 and am already pretty used to using it around the desktop. I would like to get it working in GIMP, well working as a tablet, not a fancy mouse. I am using right now and I have looked around to see what needs to be done to get it to work, it looks a little tricky...
  17. H

    OS X Aqua programming WITHOUT Xcode?

    I think the time saved not coding from scratch in VI offsets the amount of time used to learn the IDE. I understand where he is coming from is well, generally I hate stuff that generates code for you or has any sort of 'magic' involved, but this is one of those instances where I embrace it :-D
  18. H

    Internet Explorer for Mac officially killed by MS

    I don't know how this turned into a discussion about the fate of MS office. MS killed IE because they hadn't done anything with it in a long while and there were much better solutions on the Mac, they also weren't making any money off of it. Office on the other hand is the _standard_ office...
  19. H

    Dell and Gateway: Superior Computers?

    The only reason Dell is around is because they have a great business model and they have tuned their production so well using Just in Time production that their costs are so low they can charge very little for their computers. Dell knows how to do business. The quality of their computers is...
  20. H

    Unrippable DVD

    I've had it happen a few times. That seems like a wierd one for it to happen on because usually those problems are caused from extra copy protection measures, like intentional bad sectors. Unfortunantly the only solution I found was ripping it on my PC. I'm not sure why it worked, maybe the...