Simple question about websites!


Hello everybody,

How do I make the music directory on my site load the html file when somebody goes straight to that directory.

At the moment it returns a 404.

Right now, the Audio, Work, Articles and RSS Feed are in a directory named Files.
You would have to use another directory named 'Audio' put your Audio files in there, then use the name of the file for each page;
Thanks HateEternal (that's quite an emotive name - what's the story?) and ElDiabloConCaca, that works great now. I just renamed all the html files index .

There was a bit of confusion going on in this thread. The categories on the right that you where refering to bobw where how rapidweaver (site manufacture software) was grouping my blog posts. The labels at the top take you to a different webpages but of the same title as my blog posts! I've changed the site around a bit to make things more logical.

Thanks again for your help folks and if you have any constructive critism on the songs I've posted let me know.

Some servers won't let you call out a directory with out an .htm or .html file being called out specifically in the link. Protects you from folks being able to poke through your directories.