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  1. Tigger

    What browser do you use?

    I use IE. A few days ago I found out that if I download a picture, IE attaches some resources to it and that way adds ~150kB to the pic. That was a point where I said will switch to something else. But I just couldn't get used to Omniweb, and so I still use IE (I am not one of those who load...
  2. Tigger

    Can't believe this!

    How cool is that? And here you can find much more of these Google features:
  3. Tigger

    Let's speak Babelfish! Come on, just this once!

    Somebody set us up the bomb!
  4. Tigger

    Connecting OS 9 and Windows 98 SE to share an Internet Connection

    Look for something like "Internet Connection Sharing" Microsoft Description of Internet Connection Sharing
  5. Tigger

    How many people got a Soundblaster Live?

    Yes, and also a little software could replace Transform, Clipping and Lighting, what all the new graphiccards do. The point to use hardware, as you can easily see for the graphiccards example is that it is much faster. Have you ever turned of the sound on Quake 3 and looked at the fps? Quite...
  6. Tigger

    O M G: Apple Releases PowerMac G5!!!

    Even after reading all the posts here I clicked the link, just to be sure... :D
  7. Tigger

    Help networking mac and pc!

    Try this: "smb://workgroup;Familyroom/Cam" You forgot your Workgroup in your smb call!
  8. Tigger

    Apple Script and Resource Fork

    Hello, I got a little Applescript droplet that attaches files to a email. Now I would like to get this script to look if the file that is dropped on it has a resource fork, and if it does, prompt it or do something about that. (The problem is that sends the resource fork along with...
  9. Tigger

    Huge image sizes when loading down with IE

    I now wrote myself a Applescript droplet that removes the resource, so I can mail files without much crap attached to them. It basically uses the Terminal to copy (via cp) dropped files to a temp folder and move them back. So they are resource fork free.
  10. Tigger

    Huge image sizes when loading down with IE

    Thanks for your answer. I think Apple should really look for things like these and fix them. Imagine the standard user that buys a Mac. He or she doesn't want to be bothered with browserwars or such things, they use the browser that comes preinstalled. Now they send a picture to someone who...
  11. Tigger

    Huge image sizes when loading down with IE

    Please try the following: Take some picture that you find anywhere on the internet, and load it down to your desktop. Look at the file size. Then do the same with Omniweb. Look at the file size. With OW, I get normal filesizes, with IE, they are bigger than they shoud be! A 20 kB...
  12. Tigger

    how to create stand alone applications with forte or jbuilder?

    I think your problem is here: make a space behind the colon, that shoud do it, I think.
  13. Tigger

    how to create stand alone applications with forte or jbuilder?

    For making double-clickable .jar files take a look at this:
  14. Tigger

    What Apple Hardware

    Where is the option: They should concentrate on their other stuff and not make some other gadgets? I mean, if their other hardware is NOT up to date, where is the point doing other things?
  15. Tigger

    iTools agony

    Were you logged in as her user? G0->iDisk connects with the iDisk that is specified in the Internet user preferences. And The iDisk is really dogslow. Strangely, it is much faster on a PC. Mac OS X seems to really be slow in almost everything regarding network, when I connect via Samba with...
  16. Tigger

    What's the plural of mouse??

    Actually, the plural of Maus is Mäuse in German :p
  17. Tigger


    Hehehe. The B/W Macs were also 'just' jumpers to move for overclocking (I bumped mine from the 350MHz starter system to 450MHz. The top line model at this time :D ) As for the easiness of overclocking PCs: If you got a System that you have to overclock via jumpers, you have one of the...
  18. Tigger

    Two-Button Apple Pro Mouse (With Scroll)

    Have you ever had a mouse from Microsoft? I think they are of real good quality, at least my Intellimouse Explorer. The Apple pro mouse is really nice, but I think they should have made the cable a little thicker. It somehow reminds me of a rat on a string ;)
  19. Tigger

    How many people got a Soundblaster Live?

    Hm seems like there are at least some people...
  20. Tigger

    Command-click in IE 5 pans!!!

    Doesn't work in X. I used this feature to some extend in OS 9, but never tried till now in X, as I always use the column view, and I got a mouse with scrolling wheel.