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  1. ITz The MaN


    I did the same thing and it seems like my computer goes slower compared to the other accounts on my computer. I forgot the command, but in the public beta u can type aqua instead of next and it would go back to normal. I did that, but now it says "cannot find aqua interface."
  2. ITz The MaN

    Macwold NY annoucement.. What do you think.........

    well there are definately new g4's... check this out:
  3. ITz The MaN

    USB dies after a while

    In your case, thats a crash. It happens all the time in Classic. I just loosing my usb while the rest of the system still works (iTuns still plays, I still get IM's, etc). Update: this doesnt only happen after I come back from sleep mode.
  4. ITz The MaN

    USB dies after a while

    Every once in a while, I loose all usb support (keybord and mouse is all i've noticed so far). It seems looks like this usually happens when programs put a little bit too much pressure on the prossesor, or when I try to switch to another window. Maybe something with iTunes (it's always open)...
  5. ITz The MaN

    How do you add new alert sounds?

    Actually, no one should touch /System/. If you want to add sounds globaly (for all users), put them in /Library/Sounds rather than /System/Library/Sounds. You may have to create the Sounds folder yourself if its not there.
  6. ITz The MaN

    root perms and performance issues

    If you realy want to alway be root, just enable the root account (check out for instructions), then log in as 'root' rathr than your normal user name. Have fun and dont fuck up your system ;)
  7. ITz The MaN

    Sharing iTunes Playlist w/ OS 9 & X

    if the folder has your iTunes playlist in it, that would be the one. But in your case u must have music in that folder too, so you should just make an alias to the playlist file
  8. ITz The MaN

    To all fellow web developers

    If anyone is on a PeeCee with IE, go to . Just thought people would like to see that :).
  9. ITz The MaN

    Nice AltiVec libraries

    so if a program used this header file in it's programing, what would happen to those of us with g3's? would programs using this header file still run under pre-G4's?
  10. ITz The MaN

    Sharing iTunes Playlist w/ OS 9 & X

    ReadMe? Who reads those any more? I'd read em for something big like an OS (if I'm bored enough), but not for a little MP3 player (well unless I'm bored to death). I usually only read em if I have a problem I cant solve on my own, which is not in this case.
  11. ITz The MaN

    Sharing iTunes Playlist w/ OS 9 & X

    just find your OS X iTunes playlist folder (~/documents/iTunes) and replace it with an alias to your old iTunes playlist folder from OS 9. I'm not sure where it is, but I found mine in my OS 9 documents folder.
  12. ITz The MaN

    Uninstalling WebObjects

    I've never seen a Server X box, let alone, run one :). By the way, isn't Server 10.0 just Client 10.0 with more security and extra admin programs?
  13. ITz The MaN

    Uninstalling WebObjects

    I just finnished installing WebObjects, expecting to be able to fool around with it. I found it is taking too much space and has installed a whole bunch of startup crap and now I don't want it any more! How can I get rid of it?? By the way, if anyone is interested in getting it, u can get it...
  14. ITz The MaN

    Can't open just one

    DAMN! Thats pretty cool. how slow did your computer go after having all those open??
  15. ITz The MaN

    Browser War....hehe

    well all those apps werent opend.... i would love to see how many apps u could open b4 pulling your hair out from the speed (or rather the lack of speed).
  16. ITz The MaN

    please urgent problem

    Deleteing OS X is e z. Boot into OS 9, use res edit to unhide all the hiden items it puts at the root of your hard drive, then send all the OS X stuff to the trash.
  17. ITz The MaN

    ! Take this Apple

    You're dumb
  18. ITz The MaN

    Is there anyway to Obtain Classic?

    I'm just wondering what went wrong when you tried to boot off a pre-OS X cd (sorry, I called it classic last time), and tryed to install from there. RacerX, just lettin you know that since PB, apple changed the name of the old system back from "Mac OS 9" to "System Folder" and in doing that...