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    HOWTO - Properly Re-Import Old Mail to Mail 2 (for clean-installs & archive-installs)

    Instead of going through Mail 2's Import menu, do the following (this applies to those of you that backed up your Library and did a fresh install rather than an Upgrade): 1.) Quit Mail 2 if it's running. 2.) Remove the Mail folder from ~\Library (if it exists) 3.) Remove the...
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    when the tiger comes out..

    There's a package on the Upgrade CD that can be removed to turn it into a full CD, at least with the Panther upgrade. I purchased my PowerBook the weekend Panther came out and it came with Jaguar on it.
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    Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 and Safari

    The plugin is probably in "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins" or "~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins". Delete it from there. The Adobe plugin is horribly slow.
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    Alternative for PHP auto_prepend_file?

    My old website (on my old host) makes use of an .htaccess file with a "php_value auto_prepend_file /path/to/global/file" in order to provide each page of the site with global variables containing path information, etc. This is very useful for developing a site locally and then uploading to...
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    Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

    Does Tiger finally support booting OS X off of a USB hard drive?
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    HP drivers for PSC1315 printer

    The software for my new HP Photosmart 2710 are horrible too. I got it for Christmas primarily for my PowerBook to replace our old PC-only HP 722c (which I did get working with the Unix drivers, though it printed green instead of black...) If it wasn't for the fact that I already sent in all...
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    Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

    Why can't they just use what it's called everywhere else... ZeroConf. I'd think a user could understand what that means when someone says "ZeroConf networking" rather than "Bonjour". It sounds stupid to even say it in the same sentence as networking.
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    OpenGL Texturing Problems

    I'm no OpenGL expert, but I had similar problems when I was learning how to texture a cube, it looked fine untextured, but textures would flicker. I think it either had to do with not clearing a certain buffer properly or the order I specified the texture coordinates.
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    Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

    The current OS has the option to use the F-keys normally and use FN for the screen controls, etc. instead of the default backwards way for the portables.
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    Trivial complaint: Yes or No questions, no Yes or No buttons??

    There are plenty of times when Apple breaks their own guidelines though, which is a shame. Sometimes it catches me off guard when I'm used to being able to just look at the buttons instead of reading the message.
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    iLife '05 Warning

    iMovie has been giving me lots of problems (probably my worse experience with anything Apple). It seems to have a mind of it's own... works one minute, than does something completely different or just crashes. It's a very poor product from what I've dealt with this week. iMovie 4 had plenty...
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    I can't play divx movies!!

    Some divx movies use xvid, so you might need to download that as well. I haven't had troubles with the OS X version of Divx (from in conjunction with xvid.
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    How do you buy shares in AAPL?

    I remember when I was in high school before the first line of iMacs came out. (I had sold off my PowerMac for a Gateway but I still followed Apple news once in a while.) I was thinking that the iMacs were going to be big... the first truly stylish computer. (Not really my taste, but anyway...)...
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    Installing HP Printer

    Try downloading the software for it off of HP's website and install it. Then you could try adding it again.
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    CSS Font Size Dilemma

    I was analyzing the two images at 1600% in PS and noticed that Windows and the Mac do display letters at the same height pixel-wise, however there's seems to be no spacing between the letters on the Mac and on Windows there is a definite one pixel gap between letters. Also, by looking at...
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    displaying mail written in html in Mail

    I've never noticed a problem reading HTML mail, however It's annoying that I can't forward HTML mail because Mail won't send HTML mail properly. Any chance that you can try viewing them in another email client?
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    CSS Font Size Dilemma

    I was specifying 11px Verdana for both platforms. Turns out if I use Arial the fonts are much closer in size for some reason. The same goes for Georgia... on Windows, the fonts are spread out more but if I use Times New Roman, they are a closer match.
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    CSS Font Size Dilemma

    I took a couple screenshots of my problem. I'm sizing my fonts with pixel values to avoid the problems with DPI and browser font-sizing quirks. However, in Windows (any browser) the fonts are still bigger than on the Mac, and the text ends up wrapping in places that I don't want it to...
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    PHP coding help

    It would probably be a database function rather than a PHP function. But I'm no expert either.
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    autoexecutable cd

    I believe you can have a CD (or disk image) auto-open its window on insert... I think it's a matter of "ejecting" the disk image in writable mode with the window open before making it read-only... it then saves the window size and position in the .DS_STORE file. Also, if you want to add an...