I doubt if it'll kill the need for other RSS readers too much - Firefox can read RSS feeds, is probably more widespread than Safari and hasn't seemed to kill it ... yet.
Well ... I met the missus at work - she was in admin and I was in IT. Whenever I was near or at her desk sorting out a (Windows related!) problem she'd chat, mess around and generally play me up - I'm wheelchair bound and while most of the other people in the office didn't know quite how to...
I don't have one, but I wouldn't expect it to be a particular good machine performance-wise, but I would it expect it to do what it was designed for: be affordable and small.
How many themed playlists have you created in iTunes?
A house - or more specifically an adapted (i.e. wide doors, level access) end-of-terrace bungalow.
Are you intending on taking any of your Christmas gifts back to the shop for a refund?
Driven recklessly in the first 3 years after passing my test - no injuries, just lots of bills.
Do you regularly donate to charity and, if so, which one(s)?
A: I've always had a soft spot for any Lotus or TVR and have always like the Nissan Skyline, but for "real life" I like Honda.
Q: What the craziest thing you've ever done?