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  1. profx

    Quick Time - new version disaster?

    welcome, you're obviously a newbie!! A tibook is a titainium powerbook an AluBook is an aluminium powebook there are heaps of these abbriviations floating around. Just look at ppls signatures! Yep, your imac should be fine ive got one the same as yours but not SE so its only 400MHz it...
  2. profx

    Mail encrypting

    I guess this is a continuation of this thread that was closed... I looked into PGP but it is shareware - the method described above is completely free and provides 2048 bit encryption. While it does only serve one purpose...
  3. profx

    [HOWTO] - Digitaly Sign and Encrypt Email using Apple Mail

    I have been looking around for a while to a way to do this on my Mac, I looked a PGP programs on version tracker etc. But i found this tutorial It gives step by step instructions on how to get your very own digital certificate from thawte (thats free)...
  4. profx

    setting up broadband for two macs

    yep, thats what you want. The only reason i can see why a male -> female cable could be useful is as an extension cord! There are 2 types of male to male cords though - crossover and straight through. Cross over are used to connect 2 computers directly (ie no switch/hub/router) This so that...
  5. profx

    setting up broadband for two macs

    A splitter is probably just a line filter for your phone which is required if you have ADSL on your line. ADSL uses the very high frequencies available in the POTS service (Plain Old Telephone System). Unless the line filter is installed when you use the phone for anything else these high...
  6. profx

    setting up broadband for two macs

    you will still need to buy ADSL line filters for all the phone jacks in your house where you have a phone plugged in. If you don't filter all the jack-points then the ADSL connection will be disrupted every time you use the phone. If you go wireless you could probably get away with just one...
  7. profx

    Secure Form Script?

    one i use on the sites I maintain is function cloakemail(user,domain,DisplayText){ // use ascii characters for "MAILTO:" to hide from spiders var asciiMAILTO = "mailto:"; //-- Ascii for 'mailto:' // if DisplayText is empty, combine user & domain with ascii character for "@"...
  8. profx

    setting up broadband for two macs

    basically what you need is an adsl modem/router - if you get one wih 2 or more ethernet ports then that would be best - you then need to get 2 ethernet cat5 cables to connect your macs to the modem/router. This is the simplest set up, but you have to have cables draped around the house. I...
  9. profx

    Keyboard Question

    do a simple test for me will you? try just pushing the delete key, then try pushing the delete key with SHIFT held down. Spot the difference, its pretty subtle, very subtle, infact if you can tell the difference you're probably looking too hard! :D :confused:
  10. profx

    Keyboard Question

    no, on a powerbook it's: fn+delete = forward delete option+delete = delete the entire word before the insertion point you probably guessed it but fn+option+delete = delete the word in front of the insertion point
  11. profx

    Roaming profiles on MacOSX ????

    yep mac os x Panther server have a look at this : and here
  12. profx

    Add an wireless acces point??!

    i dont know any specifics but you need to investigate "bridge" mode for your router. A bridge is what you need to connect 2 wireless access points together. Cheap router can sometimes only run as a bridge to yuo need another accesspoint to get connectivity to your machine. I dont know any...
  13. profx

    Accessing PEAP for Cisco Wireless

    Im faily sure that Mac OSX supports this anyway. If you make a new 802.1X connection in internet connect you can select what authentication to use if you select edit configurations from the configuration pop up menu. You can do PEAP, TTLS, LEAP, MD5 and TLS over airport. I dont think you can...
  14. profx

    Secure SMTP issues with certificate

    For my university we have to use secure smtp when sending mail. I cant use another server as most ports are blocked outside of the university except for port 80 (and a few others in the 8000 range). Anyway, it works but when try to send mail it pops up the warning in the attachment. I click...
  15. profx

    Does your G5 also blow like a vacuumcleaner?

    maybe its 5GHz, overclocked and melting itself... dry ice is needed here...
  16. profx

    iTunes Queue Manager - beta testers wanted

    finally, apple has done it... itunes 4.5
  17. profx

    10.4 Features!

    my point exactly 4 key combos... i want one key combo, i (am forced to) use .NET at uni and i have to say, its source completion kicks ass, aslo it has that handy commenting feature. But i have to say, it is bloat ware, way to much stuff in visual studio for one app. Off topic, sorry... I...
  18. profx

    10.4 Features!

    This is working for me in lots of applications. I use it all the time in Xcode when i remove big blocks of code. Does anyone know of a short cut to comment out many lines of code at the same time? I want to be able to select the code i want commented, hit a key combo and it insert // at the...
  19. profx

    Is it possible to hijack my DSL service...

    Your static ip can still be assigned automatically. Do you know if you have jetstart or jetstream? You could try checking the ip address of the router, turn it off then check if it is still the same once it reconnects
  20. profx

    Is it possible to hijack my DSL service...

    it is not possible for for than one router to log into Jetstream as you have a static IP address assigned to you by xtra. Two routers cannot have the same IP address so the second login will fail. however Jetstart is different, it uses dynamic ip addresses so it is possible to have the same...