Anyone else downloaded the latest version of QT and found it a system killer? My iMac G4 700mhz w/ lots of memory just hung when I opened the QT Player; had to manually kill the process. Anyojne else?
No. Even on my 400Mhz Tibook. Try opening Applications->Disk Utility-> and run Repair Permissions on your startup drive. Also, if you let your system sleep at night, download a free cron strip runner (that the BSD shell of OS X needs to run - that happens late at night if the machine is left on) like MacJanitor or others. This should help your Quicktime problems. Good Luck.
thanks satcomer;
btw, what's a TiBook? do you mean a clamshell, and if you do I'm interested: we've got a 466 SE (keyLime, remember?!) with about 400mb ram. D'you think it'll cope with 10.3 (currently using 9.2.2)?
My backup Mac is a clamshell Graphite iBook, 366 mhz, 384 of ram and it runs better and faster with Panther than it did on Jaguar and/or 9.2. With the specs you mentioned, Panther will run just dandy on your keylime.