Search results

  1. profx

    Powerbook: Literaly closing net connection?

    nope, the only way you can operate a powerbook shut is if it is connected to an external monitor with the power plugged in and an exteral keyboard/mouse attached. This dosent rerally sound like a solution to your problem. I guess you could get a realllllly long extention cord for the monitor...
  2. profx

    Just got a Dual 1.25 that keeps locking up...

    THAT - is a kernel panic, nasty... Does it still do it with the new drive removed? Is the new drive set to master/slave correctly?
  3. profx

    get access to secured folder

    welcome, but please read the board rules, the howto and faq section is where you post to tell everyone how to do something... You might want to try doing a getinfo on the offending folder, go to the ownership and permissions...
  4. profx

    Windows Sharing Name

    if you are trying to change the workgroup name go to applications->utilities->directory access click the padlock, then double click smb if you are talking about the actual name of your computer i am fairly sure it is just the rendezvous name.
  5. profx

    Downloading from FTP servers...

    are you trying to get a listing or is the link directly to a file? If it is a directory safari will use finder to mount the drive (i think) this is a pain in the ass. But if it is a file it should work straight off. You could try changing the PASV setting in the proxy tab of the...
  6. profx

    Java Games

    java will be slow and its 3d graphics are very hard to work with but java - by definition - is highly portable, you could run it as an applet on a website, or if it a simple game port it to the new nokia phones!!
  7. profx

    Can't delete a file on my desktop.. Help.

    open terminal type "sudo rm " (note the space after rm) then drag the offending file into the terminal the path of the file should be inserted, then push return, it will prompt you for your password and it should be gone
  8. profx

    [HOWTO] Automatically mount network volumes on login

    and yet another side note... for ftp you will need a file named ".netrc" in your home directory with a line like this machine login USER password PASSWORD replace with the ftp server ip, USER with your username and PASSWORD with... i leave you to figure...
  9. profx

    [HOWTO] Automatically mount network volumes on login

    ps, if you plan on using the .nsmbrc file you must chmod it so that the permissions are this... "-rw-------" i cant remember the code to do it, but do a search for .nsmbrc and you will find a tutorial on how to do must of this! that applescript line that says...
  10. profx

    [HOWTO] Automatically mount network volumes on login

    I have this script that mounts my university SMB drive. It is run when my powerbook wakes up. The first part check to see if there is an ethernet cable attached, then if there is it checks the broadcast address if it is then i presume that the computer is attached the...
  11. profx

    Transfer files from desktop to laptop??

    if this dosent work, it is most likely that the ip address of the pc does not match the mac, they must be on the same subnet on the PC go to network connections, local area->tcp/ip->properties, and set the ip address to ip address for pc = subnet for pc =
  12. profx

    Remote Server Monitoring

    find someone to write a shell script for you then run it in cron, have it log the results or email them to you. Pretty simple really. I would have a go but i am in the lead up to some hard-as exams at uni. Remember mac os x is unix and all the processes you want to monitor will be unix...
  13. profx

    chown not working

    do a get info from finder and check under permissions that "ignore permissions" is not checked
  14. profx

    macosx as vpn server?

    mac os x server has a vpn server in it. I have also had a look around for such a thing with no luck so far...
  15. profx

    TBook Display Question

    there are two keys i think f1 and f2 that reduce/brighten the display, but that doesnt explain why it happened during sleep.
  16. profx

    hardware interface

    have you had a look aroung the basic example that apple includes with the developer tools? these are few example for USB devices in /Developer/Examples/IOKit there are also some bluetooth things around there as well. might get you started
  17. profx

    Biiig contest! Test ur Mac NOW!

    heres an easy way. select find in finder (apple-f) add new critera and select kind - application. Search. i found 314 apps. I really cant be bothered lauching them, but select all, then apple-o, and leave it for a few hours while it loads them all. also go the the folder (apple-shift-g)...
  18. profx

    Is this wireless router Aiport compatible?

    Yeah, it has a 4 port 10/100Mbps switch/hub built in. GO the BLUES! I managed to get tickets after queueing for just over an hours - they were all sold out in an hour and a half. (Super 12 - NZ, Aus, Sth Africa). Raing at the mo, but here hoping it fines up! Cheers for you comments!
  19. profx

    How can I share AdressBook data over network?

    see if you can find something in ldap. If you have mac os x server - problem solved, you might have a few problems finding a a ldap server for os x, but that is probably what you want check this out