Search results

  1. lilbandit

    I'm over it. Are you?

    More worried about Ireland qualifying for the World Cup in Germany next year, I spent €4000 on a 1994 Mercedes s-class to drive there next year with a group of friends. Some machine, it has armoured windows! Long story short, Ireland drew 0-0 against Israel and kissed goodbye to qualification...
  2. lilbandit

    Backup Software options

    All depends on how regemented you are as a person, I'm also a teacher and have lots of lesson plans, schemes, worksheets, photos, video files and stuff floating around my documents folder. I just wasn't backing up my stuff regularly to cd/dvd. I got an external hd and use chronosync to back up...
  3. lilbandit

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    I'm just worried about ppc support in the future. Like a lot of people I have invested a lot of cash in Apple hardware and software. A year and a half from now I don't want to be facing problems getting updates to expensive software I purchased recently. I don't want my dual G5 tower to run...
  4. lilbandit

    Apple or Windows? Which is better?

    I prefer os x to windows but I still feel that the majority of problems with Windows are due to reticence from your average user. Not installing patches, downloading and installing anything with a .exe extension, opening every dodgy e-mails, not using adequate anti-virus software. Anybody who...
  5. lilbandit

    music downloads

    I just read about the 'upgrade' to Toast that means you are restricted from burning DRM ACC files that you bought from Apple. This has got me thinking about the future of online music, what's the point in buying it if you are constantly restricted in it's use? You can still burn from itunes but...
  6. lilbandit

    Computer Names

    Father_Ted for powermac g5, Dougal for powermac g4 and Father_Jack for almost retired powerbook g4. If anyone cares, the names are taken from a sitcom based on the lives of three priests living off the west coast of Ireland called Father Ted. Check out this Have a look at the fifth clip from the...
  7. lilbandit

    Apple or Windows? Which is better?

    ljc just go and get a cheapo Dell laptop if that's what you feel you need. I'm not having a go just saying the obvious. The rest of us have better thing to do than listen to this kind of bs
  8. lilbandit

    Is this normal wear, or is the finish on my powerbook bad?

    Are you using any kind of cleaning fluid that might cause damage?
  9. lilbandit

    Bluetooth mouse lag

    I wanted a small portable mouse for use with my powerbook so I bought a bluetake 510 bluetooth mouse. It arrived this morning and it is horrendous! The mouse arrow lags and the races around the screen as it catches up. It's difficult to use with applications such as Lightwave or Logic and I feel...
  10. lilbandit

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    Where do you get these crazy statements mi5moav? "Portables with G5s have been spotted but they are bulky and the fans are still to loud at this point in time. 80% chance sometime between March 2006 and August 2006 for a G5 or whatever they want to call it in what we would call a powerbook." I'm...
  11. lilbandit

    Sony PSP, Video Converter, and MPEG4

    You could always try ffmpegx, it can converts a variety of formats. If it is too daunting try quicktime pro 7($30) for video and a little app called mac3dec for audio. MPEG 4 can be encoded from quicktime pro and ffmpegx. It takes a long time but if you buy the mpeg2 component for quicktime you...
  12. lilbandit

    Backup software recommendations

    My current back up hard disk is an internal model, I've been looking at an external Lacie 500GB model but as a former G4 'Windtunnel" owner the last thing I want is noise. Can anybody tell me if they are noisy/quiet/tolerable? Any info appreciated!
  13. lilbandit

    Backup software recommendations

    It's not free but I have started using Retrospect Desktop with a dedicated hard drive. Using DVDs, I found that I was not backing up the important stuff on my system, mainly due to my own laziness:) Get a dedicated hd for backups and set it to backup during the night. It's very effective and...
  14. lilbandit

    Is a dual Boot Jaguar and Tiger possible?

    surely Avid will release Tiger compatible software, wait a while before upgrading.
  15. lilbandit

    FIX!- Safari 1.3 and 10.3.9 Crash

    Thanks for mentioning PithHelmith Mikuro, I also use that fantastic little plugin. Won't be upgrading until thats sorted out first!!
  16. lilbandit

    Problems Installing Tiger 8A393

    I could be wrong but you don't sound like a typical software developer, is your version of Tiger legit?
  17. lilbandit

    Advice On Ambitious Screen Sharing Idea

    I saw a screenshot printed in a pc magazine a good while back. This guy was running Linux, os x and windows on the same monitor. He was using citrix metaframe. Don't know if that would be any use to you, it's a huge enterprise class server that allows you to run remote applications on one screen.
  18. lilbandit

    powerbook g4 hinge broken

    Has anyone got this fixed? Is the best computer I ever owned up for retirement?? Any advice appreciated.
  19. lilbandit

    Macintosh Pride & The Apple Store at Tysons Corner, VA

    That's exactly my point! I did call Apple UK/Eire. I'm not sure how Apple handle their customer support but lots of companies sub-contract their customer support to call centres in the far east. I had to repeat myself and use alternative words to explain my situation. Each rep wanted my Apple id...