Search results

  1. solrac

    Networking issues

    I searched on google for "mac os x" multiple routers (and many similar phrases / keywords) -- but found NOTHING except one post on MacFixIt saved only inside google's cache, which did not have a solution. Apparently though, OS 9 could do this just like XP can -- so maybe it's just one of the...
  2. solrac

    Networking issues

    That is easier to do on OS X wth the terminal. But it is possible to do it on both XP and OS X. Multiple routers does not even EXIST (as far as I know) on OS X! That's far worse.....
  3. solrac

    Networking issues

    Well, we'll see... hopefully someone that knows the answer will post it here, regardless of my "XP is better" dramatization ---- which is reality, because any Windows fool would jump all over you with that fact and never let it go, and 50 windows guys would crowd around you and point and say OS...
  4. solrac

    Networking issues

    I just posted here to hopefully find a mac person that knows how to do this in Mac OS X. I am not sure what forum this post belongs in. Maybe a moderator would move this to system and software if that is better. That is their job not mine. I'm not the expert at what forum to put this post in...
  5. solrac

    Networking issues

    Really? I thought about that but I wasn't sure I don't think it applies because... The Pro version of XP is $299 The server of OS X is $999 No comparison.
  6. solrac

    Networking issues

    I was just mac-heart-broken to see NO way of doing something so essential, that XP could do so easily I always said the only point of XP is for half life 2. But I guess now, XP is good for half life 2, and managing a network that needs to specify two gateways on a wireless connection
  7. solrac

    Networking issues

    After all this time of just "knowing" Mac OS X is superior to Windows XP --- it all comes crashing down. Windows XP is superior. Period. Why? In Win XP, go to your network preferences. Get properties on your wireless OR ethernet connection. Open TCP/IP properties. You can now set your...
  8. solrac

    iTunes needs this so bad!!!!

    This is a screenshot from address book. iTunes needs this!! "Would you like to delete the song from library, or just remove it from this playlist?" sigh....
  9. solrac

    Colour iPod (merged thread)

    Very cool, hope this rumor is correct. Apple usually never falls for the standard pitfalls. If they come out with this, it won't hammer the battery. A company like Apple would release a color iPod only if they were also able to release it with a LONGER battery life to astound customers. Then...
  10. solrac

    When are Apple going to fix this window focus bug

    You are complaining about a feature, not a bug. To get what you want, click the application icon in the dock. Then all windows of the app you clicked will be in front.
  11. solrac

    powerbook G5?

    I found this: Also, what do u guys think about Powerbook G5? I think it's awesome but wouldn't it burn the skin off your lap? Or do you think they can get a G5 to fit in a laptop?? A dual G5 laptop would be...
  12. solrac

    strange iTunes ID3 tag error

    Yeah, I know I could just re-rip it. The main question I have is... why does it do that? And how would you be able to create an MP3 that has an unchangeable genre? Is that a feature or a bug? Maybe it is a "lock" ID3 tags option, and only a certain program can "unlock" it? Anyone know? Thanks!
  13. solrac

    strange iTunes ID3 tag error

    I have a Blind Melon song called "Deserted". The genre listed in the ID3 tags is "Jam Bands". Of course, I disagreed and just labeled it "alternative". However, every time I would double-click on the song in the library or any playlist to play it, the genre would instantly revert back to "Jam...
  14. solrac

    software to limit bandwidth???

    Thanks for the tip! It seems to work so far... Very strange app though... it asked if I want to create an .app for it, and saved it to my desktop! Heh...
  15. solrac

    iTunes - Pepsi is a FARCE, a LIE, and a SHAME

    YESSS I FINALLY SAW THE YELLOW CAPS HERE IN LA RIGHT AFTER ST. PATTY'S DAY!!! OH JOYOUS DAY!!! Ahem... Anyway, I tried the 45 degree angle trick and I can EASILY see which ones are winners or losers. If you see the word "again", it's a loser. If you see the word "free" or "song", it's a...
  16. solrac

    Photoshop vs. Dock

    Never mind, I found it. In System Prefs, under Keyboard and Mouse, in the 4th tab (shortcuts), I just unchecked cmd-opt D to show the dock.
  17. solrac

    software to limit bandwidth???

    I am doing a search right now, but don't expect to find anything. Is there software that will limit your bandwidth, so as to simulate a 56k connection? I really don't want to connect my computer to a phone jack, and pay AOL or something for dialup, just to do some 56k web site testing...
  18. solrac

    Photoshop vs. Dock

    Photoshop: cmd - opt. D = "Feather selection" Mac OS X cmd - opt. D = "Show / Hide Dock" How do I do the Photoshop shortcut?? Thanks!
  19. solrac

    FireBird becomes FireFox...

    Cool extension I found! It's called EditCSS. It let's you hit cmd-8 and see the CSS of any web page! Then it lets you edit it and it will change the page on the fly! Awesome! You can click the "empty" button and remove all CSS. Try viewing Apple's web site with no CSS!
  20. solrac

    iTunes - Pepsi is a FARCE, a LIE, and a SHAME

    :mad: :mad: :mad: Ok, fine... for the first week of February, I didn't mind. Perhaps some stores were slow to get Pepsis in with the iTunes game. By the second week of February, I was dissappointed. Now February is over. The contest / game if half-way over. And I have not seen ONE...