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  1. macfreak88

    problem with sending in msn!!!

    Hi!, I just downloaded the newest msn version 3.0!!!,,,and it has file transfer! huh? Anyway i was just to send a file to a girl and it said connecting and stuff...and then it came and "Error" box! It says tht i cant send a file because the connection is blocked!!...what´s that...
  2. macfreak88

    Confusing messenger!!!

    Hi!, I had this problem a long time now ....and many other still have the same problem that every time "I" open the newest version of msn messenger i get all the contacts as "???" and it will not get away? :confused: ...Now i have to have the new version withut the problem...(I still want to...
  3. macfreak88

    Router question

    Hi!, I have setup my router so i can still have my webserver back with portredirection. And i wonder if i can make to redirections...but how can i reach each computer with the ip it´s only forwarded to my comp. Is it possible?
  4. macfreak88

    Problem with setting upp my webserver again!!!

    I did no work for me!....:( I have an D-Link router 804 and i dont connect via ppoe or what it´s was called...i could come in too the setup in the router but not configure it...i looked in a place called "Port Redirection" ...this is what i wrote...(i have tested the ports 8080 and 80 on the...
  5. macfreak88

    IP telephony and Mac OS X ?

    I fouund that yesterday when i was looking for some sofwarer hehe ....i found it moore efective than snaptalk because you can chat and call soemone!...and i think it was for pc too! // Macfreak
  6. macfreak88

    Problem with setting upp my webserver again!!!

    Hi!, I had an webserver later before i got my router and network and stuff now i want to run my server as allways...but i can ...sure it says it is working...take this for an example: I open "Carracho server x" and it starts up as it used to but it nemes my LAN ip adress not the real ip...
  7. macfreak88

    IP telephony and Mac OS X ?

    Do you mean to call somebody on the net? i have a program like that ! :),,,it´s called "Empower Pro Phone" really cool! //Marten:rolleyes:
  8. macfreak88

    Problem with setting upp my webserver again!!!

    Hi!, I had an webserver later before i got my router and network and stuff now i want to run my server as allways...but i can ...sure it says it is working...take this for an example: I open "Carracho server x" and it starts up as it used to but it nemes my LAN ip adress not the real ip...
  9. macfreak88

    Problem with setting upp my webserver again!!!

    Hi!, I had an webserver later before i got my router and network and stuff now i want to run my server as allways...but i can ...sure it says it is working...take this for an example: I open "Carracho server x" and it starts up as it used to but it nemes my LAN ip adress not the real ip...
  10. macfreak88

    Problem with setting upp my webserver again!!!

    Hi!, I had an webserver later before i got my router and network and stuff now i want to run my server as allways...but i can ...sure it says it is working...take this for an example: I open "Carracho server x" and it starts up as it used to but it nemes my LAN ip adress not the real ip...
  11. macfreak88

    iPod Pong secrets... :)

    I know that iPod is far more the BEST mp3 player ever...but i did never know that you could play games on it :- that´s really awsome!!!! i really want a iPod...10 gb :)...i Can´t wait thew iPod with color display..
  12. macfreak88

    Mac OS 10.2 Codename Jaguar

    Hi!, I have also got the Jaguar but not installed says in the "Read Me!" that you can´t upgrade to the final release of jaguar if you have the BETA Intstalled!! just want you guys to know that :D
  13. macfreak88

    Someone try jaguar?

    I saw the new iChat and all the other new and cool iapps in 10.2 but does iChat have fileftransfer? i Allways wanted that in a chat program because the aim has that enabled but i suxs and allways crashes...Another question...where did you guys get the beta of 10.2 from? I HAVE TO GET ONE!!! ...:)
  14. macfreak88

    Problem with "Cgi-script"

    I got one from ...hmm i don´t remember wich is was but one of the hello scripts doesn´t work and the other one did and the working one was the shortest. So still any links upcomming?:)
  15. macfreak88

    Problem with "Cgi-script"

    So the only problem is to download a unix (mac osx) friendly script. So do you now any sites offering cgi/perl scripts? I would like to have a good one with many scripts :) Because i haven´t found any by myself:rolleyes:
  16. macfreak88

    A look inside Jaguar

    I had heard about it but never really understood what it was...:)
  17. macfreak88

    A look inside Jaguar

    But what is really the guarts thing? is it more advanced 3d acclerator or something?
  18. macfreak88

    A look inside Jaguar

    I have read the features on the Apple site and the new iapps and so forth and think it´s going to be really fun to have the new "Jaguar" in front of my screen and IT`S A LOT FASTER! . About the speed will it be faster than the previous version if i only have a Graphite iMac SE and it´s 400 mhz...
  19. macfreak88

    Problem with "Cgi-script"

    I got an internal server error . But how can i ad that line you whrote and into wich file? please tell me...That must be the problem because the ending .cgi on the hello script worked fine for me
  20. macfreak88

    [FAQ] - UNIX basics for newbies

    I knew the two first ones but the qoutes thing was new it a lot eaysier than put a \ and a space...=-)