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    Mail Frozen

    What's your machine/RAM, how many pictures were you trying to send at once, and how big were they? One suggestion, without knowing any more about your situation, is to download OnyX and run the Cleaning tasks, making sure to delete System caches.
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    IE produces blank pages; IE bug or PHP code error?

    FYI, 1. You have a bad declaration in normal.css: a.designTitle { font-size: 95 %; } The space between "95" and "%". 2. Your code doesn't validate as strict XHTML. IE can actually be a stickler about this, so it is beneficial to fix the code problems before debugging in other...
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    Missing mounted disk image!

    NOTE: If the command line work below makes you nervous, download OnyX and run the "Cleaning" utility, making sure to check "System Caches". Then restart. This may solve the problem. + + + + + The Finder window may not be showing you everything. A disk image that's mounted should be in...
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    Local webstaging on different port

    I have about ten sites running on this PowerBook at any given point, each a parallel httpd process with its own port. This is a basic Apache virtual host set up, with each vhost responding to a different port. For instance, I have one httpd instance listening on 9022. To access this from...
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    mail, safari, ichat quitting

    Note that lots of people are having all kinds of problems with this Security Update. I haven't seen any suggested fixes for your problems yet, though; sorry we haven't been of more help.
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    Bump keys

    Let me just get out my pile of, where did I put that?
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    Bump keys

    That's fantastic, and I'm sure my landlord will love it.
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    Quirky desktop folder appearing problem

    Yes, time hit a little of the iValium. (Doctor, you say: Heal thyself.)
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    Setting up a new network

    Perhaps you should try reading the manual. Apple's documented this process in many places.
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    Quirky desktop folder appearing problem

    It seems to me that it started with Tiger, or some minor revision of Tiger. I've never seen anything in it either, and my organizational OCD makes me check these zombied Desktop folders repeatedly. They seem to be placeholders to trigger some kind of treatment of that volume. I hope they...
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    mail, safari, ichat quitting

    The definition is here: "WebKit is the system framework used on Mac OS X by Safari, Dashboard,, and many other OS X applications. It is based on the KHTML engine from KDE." I haven't tried this, as I said, and I have no advice for you on whether you should try it.
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    CD's burned in iTunes won't play on a CD player

    Umm, sounds like the burner is screwed. Try burning a CD of files using the Finder and a blank CD, and see if that's readable when you re-insert it.
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    Bump keys

    No, I live in Brooklyn, where all locks are of the "highly pickable" variety. Alright, lock geeks: what's the secure option?
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    Quicktime hates me :(

    You're trying to open an ASX, or Windows Media, URL. Have you installed Flip4Mac? If not, do it and try again.
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    Region-free DVD Player for Mac OS X...

    That link seems to be out of date. On the home page of the site, the author says s/he is "out of the DVD business". You might want to read here for a VLC-based technique that I've never tried. You could also look at the Erroneous app for convenience.
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    CD's burned in iTunes won't play on a CD player

    It would be beneficial to have more than one CD player to test these. You say "a CD player", but it's not clear whether you're testing them in more than one.
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    mail, safari, ichat quitting

    From a MacFixIt article on Wednesday: Read on. There is a suggested workaround, although I haven't tried it because I haven't encountered the problem in person.
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    Bump keys

    Has anyone seen this technique yet? It involves a simple method that renders 90% of all key-based locks useless. Fascinating from a security point of view, because the method and the principle on which its based are purely mechanical, and could...
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    Creating dev/prod/live environments

    How robust you make your approach really depends on your hosting environment, how high the site traffic will be, and how complicated your site will be. One straightforward method, from a bird's eye view: Create two subdomains:, Create three databases...
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    Hacking Mac Book Pro

    Good point...unless they can access an administrative user and sudo -s, in which they're in like Flynn. [/Users/holford] % whoami holford [/Users/holford] % sudo -s mattholford:~ root# whoami root mattholford:~ root# su - mattholford:~ root# whoami root Because, of course, the root account...